Part 9

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Lisa's POV

Today is the day of our meeting in Kim's Corp. at 10:30am. I woke up early so I can cook our breakfast and prepare myself for the meeting. I made a simple breakfast, French toast and berries with Nutella spread. If Liam loves ice cream then I love chocolates.

"Love, I can't bring you today okay? Mommy has a meeting somewhere. I will be home after I promise." I said to my son after we ate our breakfast.

"Okay mommy. I'll wait." He said and smiled at me.

I let him play in my room while I am taking a bath. After I get dressed we went downstairs and remind nana again to call me if anything.

"Bye baby wait for mommy okay?" I said as kiss his lips and hug him.

"Yes mommy. I wuv yu." He said while still hugging me.

"I love you too" I replied and kiss him again.

I went outside to my car and start driving to the Kim's Corp.

Jennie's POV

I went to the company early so I can prepare the papers that needed to sign by Lisa. As I am preparing Seulgi enters my office then I gave her the papers so she can read the contract too.

"Does your cousin know already about this new project she will be constructing?" She start asking me after she reads the contract.

"Yes, I already informed her yesterday." I replied as I scan the other papers.

"When will she come back?" Seulgi asked.

"Next 3 or 4 days I think. And we will discuss when we will start the construction." I said as I stand up.

"Okay that's better. So it will start as soon as possible." She replied then we went to the meeting room.

We were already at the meeting room waiting for Lisa. She still have 20mins though. So I asked Yerim to get us a coffee. While waiting we are just talking about the company. After a few minutes we heard a knock and Lisa enters.

"Good morning Ms. Kang and Ms. Kim. Am I late again?" She greeted us and asked smiling. A beautiful smile I mean.

"Good morning too and no you're not late we're just early because she's excit-" Seulgi didn't finished talking when I pinch her thigh under the table.

"Oh thank God I thought I am late again." She replied the walk to seat across us and look at the chair asking if she can sit already and we just nodded at her. After she sit Seulgi start talking.

"Okay so, before you read and sign the contract do you have something to ask?" Seulgi starts.

"Oh about that is it okay if I read the contract first then ask after if ever?" Lisa replied.

"Oh sure no problem. Here." Seulgi said as she hand Lisa the contract and Lisa starts reading the contract.

"I think I don't need a lawyer to check the contract since I don't have any problem with it." She said after she reads the contract and place it above the table. "But can I ask a favor?" She adds.

"It depends, but what is it?" I replied this time so I can negotiate right away if needed.

"It's about the construction company." Lisa said. "What about it?" I replied.

"I happened to have a friend who handles a construction company, actually it's the one who built my only two branches." She said looking at the both us.

"Oh I see, Do you mind if I ask what construction company you're talking about?" I asked her but I wouldn't mind if she wants to change the construction company though, but we will need to add more to the budget if she's willing to pay for it. Because if we are the one who will construct it will lessen the budget because we will just pay for the materials and the workers.

"Uhm, it's the KJ construction. Is it okay?" She said and asked. Oh she didn't know that it's under my corporation. But how come she became friends with my cousin?

"Oh do you really know who handles that?" I asked because I want to know how they became friends. 

"Yes, I became friends with her and her partner when I start operating my cafe. They always visit my cafe most especially her partner since she always need caffeine because she's a doctor so yeah, I'm sorry I talk too much but that's the reason why I know them." She said being sorry for saying too much information about them. 

"Oh I see, but I'm glad that you want that company and we won't gonna negotiate with the other company. To tell you honestly that company is under my corporation so I technically owned that." I said looking at her and her eyes widen in shock about the information.

"Oh my God" She said and put her right hand on her chest. "I'm sorry I didn't know." She adds.

"It's fine it's not a problem. So, if that's only your concern you can sign now the contract. Since she's not here we can't discuss about the final date of the construction so I will just call you again for the next meeting if she's back already." I replied to her. she signed the contract and hands it me.

"Okay Ms. Kim I can wait." She said smiling so sweetly, well for me. "So I'll go ahead now Ms. Kang and Ms. Kim. Thank you for investing and trusting me, I won't disappoint you." She adds as she stand up and offer a hand shake to Seulgi then to mine. Oh God her hand is so soft I don't to let go but I need to before she feel uncomfy. 

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