Part 39

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Lisa's POV

After what happened last night made me shy in front of our friends. We're currently eating late breakfast and I can't even look at them eye to eye. They keep teasing us because Seulgi told them what they saw last night and about what my son did to Jennie. Seulgi even try to copy Liam's voice.

As I am watching them talking and laughing at the same time while teasing Jennie. I, again, realize that I am surrounded now by good people. My best friend is right, they are the people who I can start my new life with. People I can trust. People who will be with me the rest of my life. And I am sure that I won't regret meeting them.

Cliché as it may sound but I really feel that Jennie will be the only one who I want to be with the rest of my life. I am thankful to her for accepting me and most especially my son. She even treat my son as her own.

"Hey. You okay?" Jennie said as she faced me after we all eat and just having a talk. Maybe she noticed me that I am just looking at her.

"Hmm.. Yes." I replied and smiled.

"Are you sure? You're spacing out." She asked making sure of it.

"Yes love." I smiled sweetly.

After our breakfast, we decided to go in our own house because we all still have things to do. Since my  new branch just opened, I need to be there more often to monitor the café. And about Jackson, he decided to tour around here before his flight tonight.

While we're on our way to our house, Jennie's dad called her to remind her about their new investor. The meeting is supposed to be next week but they suddenly changed it to later afternoon. Jennie can't decline it because Jennie's dad told her that it's important. Jennie knew that their new investor or new business partner is important.

When we got home, Jennie prepared her things right away after she put sleeping Liam on my bed. While she's preparing her stuffs and her business bag, I prepared her clothes and personal bag even the bathroom. Jennie always wants to take a bath every time she'll go out even though she took a bath already in the morning.

But the moment she's done taking a bath, Liam suddenly woke up grumpy and having his tantrums when he saw Jennie's dressed. He knew that Jennie is going out even though she's just wearing a smart casual since they're going to meet at a restaurant.

"Dada please." Liam sobbing while hugging Jennie's body.

"Liam." I warned him.

"No mommy!" He cries out loud. "Want to go with dada." He added. I don't know why he's like this right now. I can't even bribe him with what we always used to him.

"I'll be quick buddy. I promise." Jennie said to him then carry him.

"No dada. Bring Yiam. Dada please." He pleaded to Jennie while crying in her neck.

"Liam! Come here. We need to talk." I used my mad voice at him. He always listen to me if I am using that tone. He faced Jennie.

"Dada." He sounds like asking Jennie for help to not let me get him from her. But I still got him from Jennie. Now that I am carrying him, he immediately hide his face in my shoulder facing my neck. He continues his loud cries.

"Okay." She sighs. "Buddy get dress but I want you to do it alone." She added which made Liam stop crying and nodded. He run to his closet the moment I put him down.

"You don't have to agree every time he's doing that." I said to Jennie because I know he can't resist Liam. "Don't let him wrapped you in his tiny hands." I warned her not to spoil my son.

"I won't. I can handle him. Okay?" She said as she hold both of my hands. "We'll be quick, I promise." She kissed my forehead. I have no choice but to agree since it's Jennie and Liam.

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