Part 31

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Lisa's POV

I woke up early and found Jennie still sleeping peacefully. So I decided to go downstairs to cook for our breakfast. But I only found out that I ran out of stocks inside my fridge.

I decided to go to the nearest grocery store to buy for our breakfast that I will cook. When I reached the store I start looking for some bacon, eggs and others.

While I am walking in every isle, I felt like someone is watching me or following me. I look around me but I found no one except me. So, I just shrugged the thought of it, maybe because it still early and there's only few people who's doing a grocery early in the morning.

After I get all that I need to cook, I went straight to cashier to pay what's inside my small cart. I didn't get much because it's Jennie and I's thing to do grocery together ever since she courted me.

I am driving going home but I still feel like someone is following me. I look at the rear mirror of Jennie's car and saw a car behind me. I am starting to feel scared but I felt relieved a bit when I found another car behind maybe I am just being paranoid.

I placed the paper bags first to the island counter and prepare what I need for cooking. I heard the door opened and closed maybe nana water the plants outside.

While I am mixing the batter for pancake I heard a foot steps walking towards me I guess. Maybe it's Jennie, she woke up already and looking for me. The foot steps stop but I am still mixing the batter. But the moment I turned around, i feel like my world stops and I can't even move my body. My body is trembling and I am really scared right now. I can't believe he found me and now he's in front me he has an evil smile. The person who took advantage of my weaknesses. The person who forced himself to me.

The memories that I burried in the past is slowly coming back in my mind again. It's hunting me again. No... No... It can't be. I need to run again. I need to take my son away with me again. I need to hide again. He can't find me.

Jennie's here. Right, she's here. She said she'll protect me and Liam. I need her. I need to call her. I need her to take us away from here. Right now is the right time to fully trust her. She promised me that she'll take care of me and my son.

But as much as I want to shout for help and call Jennie, nothing is coming out from my mouth. I can't even speak a single word because I am still shocked and afraid of what will going to happen to me.

"I found you my Lalisa." He spoke still smiling so evil.

"Ho.. How d-did-" He cutted me off.

"It's been what? 2? 3? almost 4 years? Since you run away from me?" He chuckled. "You think that I am not gonna find you forever? Well, unfortunately I still found you." He added then step forward so our body are almost touching. I want to step back but my back is touching the counter already.

"Pl-please, don't do this a-again." I pleaded and my tears are starting to fall already.

"Do what my Lalisa?" He said then I felt him sniff my neck. I froze. No this can't be happening again. "You're looking more prettier right now and...." He pulled back his body and stare at me from head to toe while biting his lips. "Sexy." He whispered in my ears and sniff back in my neck.

I get all my strength and tried to push him but he's still strong. I mean he's more stronger that before when he forced himself to me locking in his arms. He's holding both of my arms right now and I felt his sinful mouth in my neck nibbling it, sucking it and licking it. I wiggled my body to get away from his hold but I felt it tightened more. I didn't how he carried me but I realized that we're now on the couch and he's above me pinning me.

I wanted to scream and ask for help but he's gripping my chin while forcefully kissing me. Both of my hands are locked in his one hand above me. My legs in between him so I can't kick him.

"St-stop. Pl-please." I having hard time speaking because of what he's doing to me.

"Not now that I got the chance again on owning you." He said while his kisses are moving from my neck to my breast. "Don't you miss this? I know you love doing this with me." He added when he successfully tore my clothes and reveal my upper body.

"N-no. Please d-don't do this again." I pleaded again while crying my eyes out.

"You want me to beat you again and passed out so I can enjoy you or you want me tie you again?" He said sounding so mad again and I noticed how he clenched his jaw. I know he's really mad right now because he didn't change. I don't want to experience this again. Please God help me.

"N-no." I cried. "Stop." Still crying. I am trying to wiggle my dody again to push him but he's strong.

"I don't have any plan to stop my Lalisa." He said looking straight to my eyes. "I miss you and your body. I miss owning you. You're mine and no one else's." He added then start kissing my body again.

"I am not yours. I will never be yours!" I shouted at him. I didn't know where I get all my strength that I pushed him but he's still above me. His eyes changed, I made him mad like what I saw way back when he did this to me. I felt my body shake even more because I am scared to his sudden change of expression.

"NO!" He strongly shout at me. "You.are.mine.!" He said holding my chin tight. I felt his fist on my stomach that made me hard to breath and whimper. Then he slapped me thrice. He choked me after.

Jennie please. Wake up. Help me. I need you. I know you are going to protect me like what you told me. And I need you right now. Please my Love wake up and help me. I prayed in mind because in any minute I know I am going to lose my breath.

I am praying to God too to help me. I am calling all the saints so I can get away from this man who's about to take me away from here or worse kill me. But before I passed out or close my eyes, I saw Jennie running towards me.

You came my love. You came. You did your promise.

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