Part 16

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Lisa's POV

Today is Jackson's flight going back to his home. Liam and I are currently helping Jackson arranging his luggages. Actualluy, I am the only one who's arranging his luggages because these two keeps playing and Jackson keeps on tickling him and throwing him at bed. What would you expect to a man like Jackson he can't even place his own towel on rack, but I got used to it. Well, most of the men are like that.

"Jackson stop tickling him and help me zip your luggage." I said with warning tone.

"Yes ma'am." He replied saluting with his playful smile. 

After we settled all of Jackson's things, we left home and drive to the airport. Jackson is the one who drive going to the aiport and Liam is sitting on his car seat.

"Uncle when will you come back here again?" Liam asked Jackson when we stop at departure gate.

"Hmm... I'm not sure my little guy but soon I promise." He replied to Liam then ruffled his hair. "But uncle? Why are calling me uncle now huh?" He added.

"I found my daddy alweady unlce." Liam said that shocked me and Liam is smiling widely.

"Daddy? Where did you find your daddy?" Jackson asked frowning.

"Yes! The one at the toy stowe uncle the one with chubby cheeks like mine." Liam said while pinch his own cheeks and I suddenly choked.

"Oh that one." He replied then look at me teasingly while wiggling his eyebrows.

"Liam didn't I tell you not call anyone your daddy? It's not good." I said to Liam.

"But mommy he's my dada okay? I want her." Liam replied to me then cross his tiny arms over her chest while frowning.

"Liam." I said to Liam with my warning tone for him.

"Okay okay stop don't scold Liam here. See even your son like her babe. So, don't forget what I told you last night. You both needed someone, Okay?" Jackson said then put his arm around my shoulder.

"Fine. Go now before the plane leave you." I replied then remove his arm and push him slightly.

"Okay. Bye my baby boy see you soon." He said goodbye to Liam while he carried him the he hug Liam and kiss his head. "Bye babe see you and don't forget what I told you okay? She's a catch trust me." He said to me then hug me with his free arm while still carrying Liam then kissed my forehead before he put Liam down.

"Yes I promise but I will still think about it. Bye babe see you soon." I said and wave my hand. "Don't make it too long. Trust her. I love you so much Lisa." He said lastly before he hug and kiss my forehead again and he said goodbye to Liam again before he totally turn around and walk inside the airport. With one last look at Jackson, I think he's right that I should try to open myself for them and most especially to Jennie. I don't want Liam and I to get hurt but I don't want to regret too. 

While we're on the way to my office, since it's weekday, Seulgi called me that I needed to be at the site now because the architect and engineer needs to asked me something. 

As I parked my car outside the site, I look at the rear mirror to see my son fell asleep on his car seat. I guess I'll carry him while talking to them, I hope they mind it. I don't have a choice, I am a single mom and I didn't bring nana with us because I didn't expect that I would be here.

"Hey Seulgi, is it okay that I'm carrying this small human while talking to them? I can't put him down anywhere Liam will be grumpy and cry non stop if I he woke not feeling my skin with him since he fell asleep with me." I immediately said to Seulgi as I approached her first.

"Hey Lisa, yes it's okay we don't mind it and it's not a formal meeting. They just want to ask you something." Seulgi replied to me the hold Liam's hand for seconds then let go because he might woke up.

"Oh okay sure, anyway are alone? Where's Jennie?" I asked her since I didn't see her, usually Seulgi and Jennie are always together.

"Broken hearted." Seulgi said the chuckled. "Huh?" I replied looking confused. Brokem hearted with whom? Then I felt a slight pang on my chest because maybe I assumed things already.

"Kidding, she has a meeting." Seulgi said and I sigh in relief. "Oh she's here already." Seulgi added then point someone behind me, I turn around and saw her jog towards us.

"Hi guys." Jennie greeted us. "Oh Liam is sleeping sorry if I am loud." Jennie added as he saw Liam in my arms sleeping.

"Hi Jennie." I greeted back smiling towards her. "It's okay the construction is loud too." I added. Then Liam suddenly moved a bit so I need to fix his position slowly so he won't wake up.

"You want me to help you carrying him while you're talking with them?" Jennie said offering a help. I want to accept it since Liam is heavy already to sleep in my arms while we're standing but I know my son, he will cry if he won't see me when he woke up and I am not the one who's carrying him. It's hard to make him stop crying everytime that happens, even if he's sleeping he knows if I am the one who's carrying him or not and I don't want Jennie to have a hard time stopping him from his tantrums.

"No, it's okay he will cry non stop if I give him to you and he woke up not feeling my skin with him." I replied to Jennie. "It's hard to make him stop crying." I added.

"It's okay Lisa, I promise you I can make him stop if he cries." Jennie said insisting. "Trust me Lisa she's so good with kids except from spoiling them." Seulgi speak this time. 

"Are you sure? It's okay?" I asked. "He's kinda heavy now." I added.

"Yes Lisa 100% sure. We will stay at the office while you're talking to them he will be sweaty to if you bring him to site." Jennie said ready to get Liam from my arms.

"Okay if you insist. Thank you. I'll be quick promise. Sorry if I need to bring him here." I said them give Liam and Jennie immediately hug him so he won't wake up.

"Go now and talk to them." Jennie said. "Okay thank you I owe you." I replied then leave to look for the architect and engineer.

As I am walking I am thinking why Liam didn't even react when I give him to Jennie. Even to Nana and Jackson he'll cry right away the moment I leg go of him. 

Sorry for the late update :)  Med school is giving me a hard time. Joke! 

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