Part 36

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A very long chapter, Ig :)

Lisa's POV

When the host of the event called me, I immediately went in front of everyone. Even though I am nervous I still got the courage to speak in front of them. Jennie helped me how I can overcome my nervousness when I am going to speak in front of may people. I told her that this is the first time that I, I mean we because Jennie invited most of them, that I have a lot of guest in my opening of the cafe. Because the first time I opened my first branch I only have my staff, Jisoo and Rose, same goes with my second branch. This event is planned by Jennie because she said that this the right event every time some business will open or start. So as a businesswoman, I trust her, because she herself is a successful one.

I did what she told me. I only look at her every time I got really nervous but sometimes I look at the guest. Looking at them from time to time will think that I am confident, said by Jennie. She told me to only look at her if I think that I am about to pass out because I am nervous. So her advice to me does really helped me. 

"I want to thank each of everyone here for taking time out of your busy schedule." I said as I am going to end my speech.

"I would like to introduce a few special persons to you. My staffs, contractors." I paused then look at them and smile.

"To my new found friends, thank you for supporting me. To Jisoo and Rose who supported me ever since I opened my first branch." I smiled at them.

"Especially to Jennie, who accepted my proposal and made this dream of mine came true. If not because of her, I won't be able to go this far. From day one, she's always with me to the point that she was the who's more hands on than me even though she's busy with her own business." I said really thankful to her. I called to go here beside me because I am nervous again. She gladly stand up and went beside me. She put her arm at my back then face me.

"Thank you for not leaving me side every step of the way and for believing in me." I said in the microphone facing her looking straight in her eyes. She look so happy for me but I am happier. 

"Thank you my partner." This time I whispered it for her to only hear it and smile so sweetly. I hug her tight and she hugs me back. I felt her kiss my temple and head. I am really thankful to her. I am happier when I am with her in her arms.

After my speech, they help themselves to tour around the cafe. Even my friends tour around inside here. Jackson came and I happy that he made it this time because he's the only family that I have before I met my new friends that became a family for me. Liam is playing with dana already with Dana's sitter watching them. I am just looking at them enjoying this event and I can't help myself smile by watching them. Jennie is still beside me even though I know that she needs to talk with some of the guest.

"Are you happy?" Jennie suddenly talk breaking my silence.

"Yes." I smiled at her. "Thank you so much." I added then hug her again.

"You deserve this love. You worked hard for this too." She said as she pulled out the hug and her arms are still on waist. We faced each other.

"Still thank you." She just smiled at me and kissed my forehead then hugs me again. We heard a fake cough that broke our moment. 

"As much as I don't want to ruin your moment but I need to borrow my daughter for a while." Jennie's dad said to us. "Is it okay sweetie?" Uncle Kim asked me. My heart melt by the endearment used by Jennie's father. Because I never experienced that.

 "Yes uncle it's okay. I'll go talk to our friends also." I replied to Jennie's dad as we let go of each other for the mean time. 

"You can just call me dad sweetie because you'll be soon my daughter in law." Uncle Kim chuckled after he said that. Then this creature beside me is smiling proudly while wiggling her eyebrows. 

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