Part 54

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Jennie's POV

I woke up this morning to Lisa's whimpering again. The moment she open her eyes, she became histerical again. She kept crying and shouting, still pushing everyone, that even me can't stop her. So, I don't have a choice but to call the nurses and allowed them to inject a tranquilizer that made her calm and sleep. I just hugged her and cry silently wishing that I can take her pain away.

Liam still hasn't woken up that added to my worries. I am silently praying to God to make them both safe and better. I can't take this anymore. Not that I am giving up but I can't see them like this. I really want end this but I can't do anything.

I decided to go out since my friends and parents already arrived. While I was walking, my feet brought me to the chapel of the hospital. Gladly, no one is inside. When I went inside, I sat in front facing where God on the cross. I just stare at him while my tears is falling down my face. Soon enough I started talking to him.

"God, I know this is just some of the challenges but I can't just see them hurt like this." I cried in front oh him.

"Just please make them okay and safe. I don't want to see them suffer anymore."
"I know we can get through this. It's just that, I am really hurt because I can't do anything right now."
"I know that I don't usually to talk to you but please I need answers to my prayers. I-I can't lose them both." I sobbed looking down and my fingers intertwined hard.

"I am still thankful to you for giving them to me and I am sorry in advance but I need justice for them. Don't worry I don't want to be a murderer." I wiped my tears and went back to stare at him when I heard a foot step entering the chapel.

"Hey." My father caught my attention as he seated beside me. "How are you holding up?" He asked.

"I-I don't know dad." I replied and my tears are starting to fall again. "I-it's just, I don't know. I feel like I somehow questioned him." I added pointing at him.

"Why?" He asked. We are both facing him.

"I want to ask him why is this happening to Lisa and Liam, also to me. I don't know why." I replied. "I am asking myself too. Is this my karma? Am I bad person or daughter? Did I do something bad in the past that karma is working already." I added and start crying again.

Because I don't think I've done something bad in my past. I know, I have heart and good daughter. I am a good friend also.

"You know what, sweety. I think, we don't have the right to question him on what's happening in our lives. God always have plans on every people's life." He said then face. "We just have to work for it so we can follow and reach his plans. Like in our life right now, do you think you just woke up one morning and you have this kind life you're living?" He added.

"No. I know how my grandfather worked his ass off to give you a better life." I answered.

"See. That's how's life works. We all faces some challenges in life that we cannot solve. God won't give us some challenges if he knows we cannot overcome from it. He did that to make us stronger day by day." He said and held my hand. "What happened is God's plan. If you look on the brighter side, it happened when Lisa and Liam have you already. What if it's just the two of them? You think they will be okay or even alive?" He added.

"I don't know. I guess, no." I shook my head.

"That's the point, sweety. God gave this test to you because he knows that you can save them which is you did already. He knows that you can take care of them and protect them. He's doing this because it's make you stronger and I am proud of you because of that. All you have to do right now is to stay beside them and let God do the rest. Have faith in him." He said and smiled at me.

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