Part 33

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Jennie's POV

After the day that Lisa's nightmare happened, I never left her side because she became so clingy from that day. She doesn't want me out of her sight. I know that she feel scared whenever she doesn't see me ever since that nightmare happened. I am still waiting for her to tell me what really happened and I will wait 'til she's ready.

And from that day, I always sleep in her house. It's either will sleep together in her room alone or Liam will sleep with us but mostly Liam is with us. I admit, I love this side of her. I love coming home to them. I love her being in my arms feeling safe.

Today, I am going to meet my father at home. I really wanted to talk to him about Lisa because I know he knew something about Lisa. I remembered what he told me at Dana's birthday party when we talked about Lisa that I am sure he knew something about her. My father just came back from his business trip that's why I didn't have the time to talk to him right after that nightmare of Lisa happened. But I am still asking her to let me leave alone to go to my father. Tomorrow is the day for the opening of her new café that's why I need to talk to my day first.

I am currently cooking for our lunch with Nana helping me while Lisa and Liam are playing in the playroom. After I cooked, I let Nana prepare our table and I went to the playroom to call them.

"Love. Liam. Lunch is ready." I said after I knocked and enter the room only to find out that they're hugging each other and laughing while laying down the floor. My heart melted at sight I am seeing. I am now really sure that they're my family now. I want to witness this everyday of my life.

"Dada!" Liam called me with his cute loud voice when he noticed me watching them. "Help me. Mommy is tickling me." He added in between his giggles. But instead of stopping Lisa I joined them and tickle my son too. Yes, son. Liam is my son now.

I keep on tickling Liam too while I am kneeling at their side until I got lay down too. Laughter is only thing you will hear inside the room. Now, Liam is in my arms already and we still tickle him. Liam still wiggling his body let go out of my arms locking him.

I stopped moving when I looked at my side to see that Lisa is laying sideways facing us still tickling Liam. I felt my surroundings got slowed at the sight of her laughing and her big smile that shows her gums. It's so genuine. Her smiles is so natural. You can see that she's really happy right now. I want this. I want to really witness this everyday. I really want to see her happy. I want to see her smiles. I don't want her smile to be gone. I will surely make her happy so I can see her smiles everyday. I love this feeling of looking at her, it gives me butterflies in my stomach. Cliché as it may sound but I really do feel the butterflies getting wild inside my stomach. I love her. I really love her.

"Jennie." "Dada." I got back to my senses when they both called me. I didn't notice that they're done playing with each other. Liam is already sitting in my stomach looking at me.

"Are you okay?" Lisa asked me looking at me worriedly. "You're spacing out." She added. Still laying sideways facing me.

"Yes. I am okay. More than okay." I answered all smiley.

"What were you thinking?" She asked.

"Nothing. It's just that, I love seeing you smile and laugh." I said lovingly at her. "Thank you for letting me see it." I added then put my hand on her cheek and caress it. She closed her eyes feeling my touch.

"No, thank you." She said after she opened her eyes. "Thank you for staying with me, with us." She added looking straight at my eyes. She slowly leaning her face towards me but when she was about to kiss me, this little guy who's sitting on top of me stopped her.

"Mommy! Dada! I'm hungry." He said looking at us as we both look at him. We look at each other again and laugh together.

"Okay. Let's go. Lunch is ready." After I said that Liam immediately stand up and get my arms to pull me up. After I stand up I help Lisa. I carried Liam then we went downstairs and walk straight at the dining area.

When we reached the dining area, I pulled a chair for Lisa before I put Liam down to sit. I put the food on Liam's plate and Lisa's. After we eat our lunch, Lisa get the dessert she made earlier and put some on our plate. Liam became all smiley after he thanked his mom because his mom let him eat sweets today.

"Jen?" Lisa called me breaking out comfortable silence while we're eating our dessert.

"Yes love?" I replied and look at her after I wipe my mouth since I took my last bite.

"Are you really leaving later?" She asked worried evident in her eyes.

"Yes love. I will just talk to dad. I'll be back before you know it." I said then held her hand above the table and smiled.

"Can you bring me and Liam, please?" She pleaded me. As much as I want to give in but I can't. "We will just wait inside your car. But please let us come with you." She added looking at me her soft eyes or should I say puppy eyes like what his son always do whenever he wants something. They really have the same doe eyes that melts me.

"Love." I said softly while holding her hand. "I'll be quick. I promise, Okay?" I added then I sat beside her and hug her sideways.

"Please?" She said with her small voice while she look up to me with her pleading eyes. Cute.

"As much as I want to bring the both of you but you need to rest love. Tomorrow is your big day." I said softly and hugged her tight. "I don't want you to get tired by traveling." I added.

"I am not going to get tired. You'll drive then Liam and I will just sit inside your car." She said still insisting to come with me.

"I'm sorry love. I will just talk to dad okay?" I said then caress her back. I didn't get any response, so I look at her to see her pouting like her son.

"Okay, I'll just invite our friends to have dinner here later so the two of you won't get bored." I said to make her still feel safe even though I am not around. I know why she doesn't want me leave because she still feel scared of that nightmare of hers.

"What if they're busy too? It's weekend." She asked. Still hoping that I'll bring them.

"I know they will agree to go here. Besides I am sure that Dana would love to see Liam later." I said.

"Okay fine. But promise you'll be quick okay?" She said then look up to me.

"I promise." Showing my right hand like a kid. I kissed her head and hugged her tight then Liam climbed up to my lap and joined us then I hugged both them. Family. This what feels like having your own family. Home. This is what I am feeling right now, I am home. Even if Lisa and I are not official I feel that I am home already.

After our bonding moments inside the dining area, we went upstairs. Liam and I bath together while Lisa take a bath alone in her room. We went straight to Lisa's room after we took a bath. Gladly, Liam stopped already sucking her mommy's tits, I hope, because after the incident that happened in the office I never witnessed that already and I never heard Liam asking for that. He already used to drink his milk in a glass every night before he sleeps.

We are all laying on Lisa's bed, Liam in the middle while watching Disney in the TV. We just keep watching with Liam until I noticed that both of them fell asleep. I fix the duvet above our body then I lay them both properly and decided to just stare at them sleeping. They both facing me, Liam hugging me and Lisa hugging his body. I kissed of them on their forehead before I decided to join them sleeping.

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