Part 11

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Lisa's POV
A week after...

It's just a normal day, saturday to be exact. I don't usually go to the cafe when it's weekend but the manager at the second branch called me that they lack of staff right now because 2 of the staffs didn't go to work. And the delivery of the ingredients for our stock is not yet there. Since the cafe is jam-packed as of the moment no one was able to run to the grocery store to buy some ingredients for the meantime. So, I don't have a choice but to buy it myself and that's my responsibility too as the owner.

I had a hard time forcing my son to let me leave because it is our movie day today. As much as I don't want to leave him at home but the cafe needs me too. It's not that my cafe is more important than him but it is for us, for him. I need to make a living for the both of us. It's just the two of us, we just have each other.

As I am walking inside the grocery store looking for the ingredients that needed to the cafe, someone called my name. And saw Ms. Kang and Ms. Kim we I turned my head.

"Hi! Ms Kang and Ms. Kim, nice to the both you here. I didn't expect you two to see in the grocery store." I said as they stop in front of me with their cart.

"What do you think of us? A typical rich people who ordered some helpers for the grocery? Grocery shopping is fun you know." Ms. Kim replied like she's offended to what I said.

"I.. Uh.. I didn't mean it that way I'm sorry maybe I just got used to it, used to the rich people who boss around and control everyone surrounded them." I said as I got shocked to what I said and slap my mouth as I look down.

"Huh? How can you say that? As far as we you're not like that, how can you say that you're used too it?" Ms. Kim said looking confused.

"Ah.. Uhm.. I-I mean I watched it to some movies. Yeah got it from movies I think." I said stuttering. Looks like I'm going to get caught in my own mouth. "So, uh, what are you guys buying?" I added as I want to change the topic already.

"We're just buying some meats, snacks and drinks. Jennie's cousin just came back from the other country so we decided to have bond night." Seulgi said and I steal a glance to Jennie but she's still looking at noy buying what I just had said. I noticed she shook her head a bit before she speak.

"Maybe you want to join us? If you're available and not busy, but it's okay if can't join us. We just want to make friends with you and get to know you. Because you know we are business partners already." Ms. Kim said to me. The offer is not bad but time is not right.

"I'm sorry I have to turn down your offer, I need to be at the cafe, actually this is for the cafe because the delivery of my stocks got delayed." I replied with a hint of a sad tone.

"No don't be sorry it's okay we just try our luck and it's a sudden offer so we understand. Maybe next time, we will inform you in advance." Ms. kim said to me.

"Well that's better. Thanks for the offer and sorry again." I said. "Anyways, I'll go and pay now, the cafe really need this." I added then we bid goodbye to each other before we walk seperately.

Jennie's POV

I felt happy when we saw Lisa at the same grocery store where we are but at the same a bit sad when Lisa turned down my offer. But I can blame her though it's a sudden offer and unfortunately she's needed at the cafe. And I am still confused to what she said about that kind of rich people who boss around and control the people around them but she said it's from a movie so I just let it pass this time.

"Don't be sad Jennie we can invite her next time" Seugli cut off my thoughts when she spoke.

"I'm not sad okay!" I said irritated by her.

"I'm just kidding. Chill. You will get know her don't worry." Seulgi said then we continue to get what we need for dinner and booze.

"But seriously Jen, you really like her, don't you?" Seulgi asked me seriously. She's my best friend so there's no point in lying, she knows me and I know her. We've been friends since we were kids. Our parents are best friends too.

"Yes Seulgs so stop teasing me. I'm serious. I don't know what I am feeling but I feel like I need to take care of her or protect her something like that. No, scratch that I want to take care of her and that's I am sure of." I said to her seriously, I don't really know why I am feeling this way. This the first time I felt this way.

"Oh I see, don't worry Jen I will help you with that. I like her for you." Seulgi said.

"Thanks man! I like her too." I replied and we both chuckled.

We payed for the grocery then went home.

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