Part 14

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Long chapter ahead! Sorry in advance.☺️

Lisa's POV

It's been a week since the construction of the new branch started. I visited twice already with Jennie and Seugli. And yes I can call them by their names already because they insisted it since they said we're friends already. They always treat me a lunch I guess they're really a good people but I can't just open up to them easily. Even though I can sense that they're really want to know me.

I am not closing my door to have new friend, it's just that I can trust someone so easily this time because of my past. I am just protecting myself to get hurt again and I have a son that I need to protect. They all can hurt me but not my son.

I am at home right now because it's weekend and I have to make it up to my son since I've been busy this past few days. I promise to bring him to bring him to the mall and buy the toys he want.

I stopped what I am doing when I heard the door bell rang. Nana was about to go to the door when I stop her.

"I'll get that, just change Liam's clothes." I said and nana bring Liam to his room.

I got shocked when I open the door to see who's infront of me.

"Jackson!" I shout as I throw myself at him and he hugged me.

"Yes babe one and only." He replied still hugging me. I pulled out and we went inside.

Jackson is my best friend from my hometown. He's the only one that I trust. He's the only one who knows where I am because he's the who helped me to get in this country. He barely visits me here since we're being careful, no one should know where I am. They can't find me. He will just visit me if he has some business here and he can't stay long here with me. He can just stay for 3 days max. We can talk through phone but not everyday because they can't see his extra phone that only my number has.

"Why didn't you tell me you're going here?" I said as we sat on the couch and I hugged him again. I missed him.

"I want to suprise you. It's worth it to see you surprised face." He replied tighten the huh.

"You really did, anyways how long will you be here?" I asked.

"Hmm I still have 2 days." He said "Where's my little guy?" He asked. I was about to answer when we heard a shout from a tiny human.

"Daddy!" Liam shout and jump to both of us. He hugged jackson too. So we're both hugging him.

"Hey my little guy, I missed you." Jackson said and kiss his head.

"Hey Liam I told you call him Uncle J." I said to Liam because he keeps on calling Jackson daddy. I just don't want him to get used to it. Jackson is my bestfriend and I treat him like my own brother even though I know Jackson likes me. We talked about it already.

"It's okay babe I don't mind until you found someone who can be his daddy." Jackson said smiling.

"I missed you too daddy." Liam said before I can speak.

We stayed in that our position for a few minutes before we decided to let go of hugging Jackson. I told Jackson our plan for today. So, he don't have any choice but to go with us. Liam and I are the reason why he's here anyway.

"Daddy I want cars and trucks." Liam said as he pulled Jackson inside the toy store.

"Love stop pulling your uncle you both might trip." I said to Liam which stops him pulling jackson.

"Hey it's fine he's just excited." Jackson defend Liam, well he's spoiling my son that's why.

"Fine I can't win to the both of you, but be careful please. You can go look for the car toys, I will look for some educational toys for him and look for me after, okay?" I said and eyed both of them.

"Yes babe we will be quick." He said then they both walk away from me. I got used to Jackson calling me babe and so do I, it's just our endearment before he confessed to me but nothing's change after that even if I got pregnant.

As I am scanning the educational toy aisle I found someone look so familiar. When I got near them, I am right I know them.

"Jennie? Seulgi?" I said as I approached them.

"Lisa? Hi! You're here." Jennie said. "What are doing here?" Seulgi added.

"I am buying some toys. How about you guys? You really keep surprising me. First, the grocery store and now, toys store." I said then chuckled a bit.

"Well we're buying toys for my daughter and this auntie is spoiling her." Seulgi said and point Jennie.

"Oh I didn't know you have a daughter. And aunties are always like that." I said then we all laugh.

"Yeah I have a 3 years old daughter already. How about you? Why are you buying toys?" Seulgi asked me.

"Oh ah it's for my s-" I didn't finished what I am saying when I heard my son calling me and running towards me from behind of Jennie and Seulgi.

"Mommy! Mommy!" Liam shout and stop in front of me. "Look I got thwee toys, is it okay mommy?" Liam asked then I carried him while he's holding the toy cars.

"Yes love it's okay." I replied.

"Mommy?" Jennie and Seulgi said looking shocked to what they witness. Can't blame them I'm too young to have a 4 years old baby. I'm just 24.

"Uhm yes, Liam baby this auntie Jennie and auntie Seulgi mommy's new friends. Jen Seugli this is Liam my son." I said to them. "Hi aunties! I am Liam. I am 4 yeaws old." Liam introduced himself showing her four fingers.

"Hi Liam you can call me tata seulgi." Seulgi said to Liam. I am waiting for Jennie to speak but she's just looking at me and my son. But before she can speak Liam shocked me, the 3 of us I mean.

"I like you! Can you be my dada?" Liam said to Jennie.

"Hey Liam you can't call anyone like that." I said to Liam. "Sorry Jen." I said to Jennie.

"It's okay Lisa I don't mind." Jennie replied. But before I can speak Jackson showed up.

"Oh thanks God babe I thought I lost Liam, he's just here already." Jackson said as he sigh in relief.

"How can you not notice that he's not with you?" I said glaring at him.

"I wast just looking at the toys for him babe. I'm sorry." Jackson said.

"Sorry daddy. I am excited to show mommy my new toys." Liam said to jackson and hug him then jackson get him from me. I forgot that Jennie and seulgi is here until I heard someone clear a throat.

"Oh I'm sorry before I totally forget, babe, this Jennie and Seulgi the one I talked to you about, my business partners. Jen, seulgi, this is Jackson." I introduced them to each other and they shake hands.

"Nice to meet you two and thanks for trusting her." Jackson said.

"Nice to meet you too. No worries she's good." Seulgi said and Jennie's expression changed to something I can't read.

"Yeah you're right she's really good." Jackson said. "And I'm sorry we have to go. We still have somewhere to go. Nice too meet you again." Jackson added.

"Oh yeah yeah sure, we're going too. Bye Lisa. See you on monday." Seulgi said but Jennie still didn't talk she just smiled a bit to me.

"Okay bye Seulgi bye Jennie, take care." I said.

"Let's go babe." Jackson said and put his free hand on my lower back still carrying Liam and we started walking to the cashier.

After that we just continue our day. I don't want to waste any time while Jackson's here. I don't know when will I see him again if he go back home.

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