Part 24

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Lisa's POV

Today, Jennie wasn't able to pick me up at the café because she had an emergency meeting with her father but she was able to pick me up from home and drop me at the cafe in the morning. So I just took a cab to go home.

When I get home I decided to cook for dinner instead of ordering take outs. Since it's friday, I am going to take this a chance to have an alone time with my son. Ever since Jennie started courting me, Liam and I doesn't have time to bond just the two of us, she is always with us everyday. Don't get me wrong it's not that I don't want Jennie to be with us, it's just that it's new to me and I am just used to always be with my son before she came into our lives. I just missed my alone time with my son.

I prepared our dinner to the balcony and set up a yellow lights in the railings like I am in a romantic date. I mean this is a date with my little guy that's why I did something like that. I really missed having a date with my little guy like this. So, Liam is my date tonight. We even dressed like we are in a fancy reastaurant, Liam in his sky blue polo and black pants with his white casual shoes while me I am wearing my cream thin strap dress above my knees with my black stilleto high heels.

"Mommy." Liam called me after he took the meat and bring to his mouth. I cutted his meat into bite size already.

"Yes my baby?" I replied to him and wipe my mouth.

"Where's dada? She will not eat with us?" Looking at me a bit sad visible in his eyes.

"Yes baby sorry. She has an important things to do. You will see her tomorrow." I replied then have another bite.

"Okay mommy." He continue eating his food and I nodded at him and smile.

We continue or date night. After eating our dinner we took pictures and I sent it to Jennie. We then get dressed in our matchy pajamas and watch his favorite disney movies.

Jennie's POV

I wasn't able to pick up Lisa from her café tonight because of the emergency meeting with the boards and my father. But I kept her updated from me.

My father announced at the meeting that we will be having a new investors outside the country and they just confirmed it to my father before the office work time is done that's why the meeting ended late. They set up a meeting to us next week before I fly to Switzerland for a business trip, which is I haven't inform Lisa yet. Maybe I will tell it to her tomorrow when I go to their house.

I am now at my parents house with Seulgi and Jisoo since my father wants to have a drink.

"So, Jennie how's the courting going on?" My father asked after we talked about business matter.

"It's all good dad. Don't worry." I replied then sip from glass of whiskey.

"Then that's good. I can't wait for you to bring them here." My father drank his whiskey and pour in his glass after.

"I can't wait too. But I told you I will bring them here if we're official already." I said.

"Make it fast Jen. I can't wait to bring my soon to be grandson with me to play golf." My father said all smiley.

"Grandson?" I asked a bit worried because Liam is not really from me.

"Yes. Why?" My father asked me frowning.

"I mean, are you sure and mom that it's okay with you even if Liam is not from me?" I asked him worriedly.

"Of course my daughter. Maybe there's a reason why she's raising her son alone. I don't mind even if he's not a Kim by blood but Liam can be a Kim too." He said seriously but sounding like he knows Lisa. I just shrugged it off maybe he is just really serious about it.

"What do you mean uncle?" Jisoo butted in this time before I could even speak.

"Liam can be a Kim too if you're cousin is not slow on making him one. I don't care even if the kid is a kim by paper." My father said and I became confused on what he is saying. "But I think my daughter here still doesn't have any idea what I am talking about. Let her understand what I said I won't gonna repeat it myself. She's not a Kim when it comes to woman. Don't be too slow before someone take them away from you." My father said seriously but chuckled after then he stands up from his seat and tap my shoulder before walking out went upstairs leaving me in a confused state. Ugh my father is always leaving me hanging. I frustratedly said in my mind.

I heard Seulgi and Jisoo laughing at me. I look at them and glared at them. I just really can't get it my God am I that slow to not understand what my father said a while ago.

"Yah! You two! Stop laughing and tell me what my father is saying!" I shout at them but they just keep laughing.

"I can't with you Jen. You're so smart when it comes to business but when it comes to your love life it looks like you're not." Seulgi laugh while shaking her head. I just glared at her and she stop laughing but you can see that she's stopping her laugh.

"You're father said that you should wife her up. So Liam can used your last name already. Idiot!" Jisoo speak this time and chuckled after.

"I didn't know that you're this slow Jen." Seulgi laugh again. "But seriously Jen, she has son already and I guess that she's thinking that if she's going to enter in a relationship it should be the one she's going to marry. You know she's not getting any younger and so are you plus maybe Liam is really looking for a father's love not just a boyfriend or girlfriend for her mom." She added sounding seriously.

"Seulgi is right Jen. And I am sure that they really need someone to complete their family not just a relationship, you know? If you get what we mean." Jisoo said after she drank in her glass.

"Okay I get it now." I sigh. "I know it already from the start I decided to court her. Cringey as it may sound but I assure you guys I can see my future with her if she accept me already. I can see her marrying me and not someone else. I am so sure about her if that's you're worrying about." I said seriously at them.

"Well that's good to hear. We will just be here to support you, you know that." Jisoo said. "Yeah we are always be here." Seulgi added.

After that talk we decided to stop drinking because we all have plans for tomorrow seperately. We didn't drink that much so we decided to go to our own house.

I am serious at what I said. I am really sure to myself that I just want Lisa and Liam in my life. I am never been this sure in my life. I promise to myself, when Lisa allowed me to court her, that I will be the only one who will complete their family. I am going to take care of them until my last breath. I am going to protect them at all cost. I am never going to get tired of them. I will love them with all my heart. Because they both deserve it.

I am sorry for the late update. I just became so busy with school stuff.
Thank you for still waiting for my update and for still reading my story.
Sorry for some errors. I hope I am not disappointing you with my story.

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