Part 18

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Lisa's POV

After the incident that happened inside the office at site, I don't know how can I face them. I didn't show myself these past few days. Who wouldn't got embarassed if you're tits suddenly showed right in front of them. It's not like I am still breastfeeding Liam, I don't produce breast milk anymore. It stopped when Liam is 1 year and 5 months and it's just part of Liam's hobby because he said he's still my baby. Even though I don't have breast milk, he just like to play my nipple in his mouth, most especially after his tantrums. But I am trying to stop this hobby of him, he's old enough to suck my nippie.

Liam and I are preparing already for the birthday party of Seulgi's daughter. We're both dressed already, I am arranging his baby bag while he's downstairs at the living waiting for me. We're just going to take a cab since my car is still at car service.

"Baby let's go." I said as reached the living room carrying the baby bag on my shoulder.

"Okay mommy." He replied holding my hand.

"Ma'am the cab is outside already." Nana said as she enter the house.

"Okay thank you Nana." I replied then walk outside the house.

We enter the at backseat of the back, I told the address to the driver then he drive to the destination.

It took us 30 minutes drive before we arrived at Seulgi's place. We went down the cab after I payed him and thank him. I pressed the doorbell when we stopped at front gate. Their helper open the gate for us and guide us to enter the main door.

"Hi Lisa! Hi Liam! I thought you're not gonna make it." Seulgi greeted us as we enter their house and Jennie is beside her.

"Dada!" Liam butted in when he spotted Jennie and let go of my hand then run towards Jennie.

"Oh sorry we're late we just took a cab." I replied

"No, it's okay. Where's your car anyway?" Seulgi asked as they walked and follow them.

"My car is at the car service." I said to her and look for Liam that is now carried by Jennie while giggling.

"Oh is that so?" Seulgi said and I just nodded.

"Hey let me help." Jennie suddenly said while trying to get the baby bag on my shoulder.

"It's okay, you're carrying him already." I replied then thank her.

"I insist Lisa, it's okay."  She replied then get bag from me, I guess I have no choice she already got the bag.

"Thank you." I said then smile at her.

"No worries, anything for you." Jennie replied smiling sweetly to me.

When we reach their backyard where the party is organized they introduced Liam to Seulgi's daughter which is Dana. Liam immediately run with Dana going to other kids. It's good for Liam to have his own friends the same age as him. This is his first time to have kids around him since he's always with me and he's being friends with the staffs in my cafe that's why sometimes he talks like he's matured already.

"They click right away Lisa. I guess they will going to best friends." Seulgi said as she sat down on the chair.

"Yes I think, it's his first time to have friends the same age as him." I replied as Jennie pulled the chair for me then I sat down thanking her and she sat down beside me.

"Oh really? Isn't he starting his school yet?" Seulgi asked.

"Yes but I enrolled him already for this coming school year." I replied

"That's good, maybe Liam and Dana will going to be classmates." Irene said she came and sat down maybe she heard us.

"I hope so." I replied smiling to them.

As we are waiting for the party to start, we just keep talking randomly. Their other visitor is already here and they introduced me to their parents and also Jennie's parents. Jennie's parents gives her a teasing smile and wiggling their brows when Jennie introduced me to them but she shushed them up. Until someone familiar to me showed up.

"Chu! Rosé! You're almost late." Irene said as she stand up and greet the two with cheek to cheek kiss.

"Sorry Rosé need to stopped by at the hospital." She said then turn her head to me.

"Lisa?/Jisoo?" We both said with shock on our faces.

"How do you them?" Jisoo asked me.

"She's the one I told you about." Jennie said before I can speak.

"Oh yeah I thought it's another cafe. Now I get it why you handle it yourself even if you hate going to construction sites." Jisoo said giving Jennie a teasing nod. 

"Yah! Km Jisoo!" Jennie said glaring at Jisoo but Jisoo just laugh at her

"You hate construction sites?" I suddenly asked Jennie. I really want to know, she always go there everytime I am going too. What if it makes her uncomfotable? Aish why the hell am I thinking about that?

"Yes Lisa my cousin hates construction sites but maybe it change now because of you." Jisoo said then laugh at Jennie.

"Shut up Jisoo." Jennie said in serious tone and Jisoo did shut up but stopping herself to laugh.

"Oh you're cousins I thought your bestfriends." I said.

"Yes we are." Jennie replied.

And the host of the party starts talking. She starts with games for the kids then gift giving after, Liam run towards me to get his gift for Dana and give to her. After that Dana blows her cake and her parents and grandparents tell their wishes and messages for Dana.  

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