Part 52

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Jennie's POV

While I'm driving heading to our destination, I can't help but speed up but my uncle is stopping me since he's in front. I have no choice but to follow them even though I know are they already. My friends keep calming me because they can see how tense I am. Thankfully they are with me because if not I am sure I will get there first and make an impulsive move to make Lisa ang Liam more dangerous. And I don't want that to happen. I am coming because I am going to save them and bring them back safe. But I can't wait to meet and punish the one who's doing this.

When we arrived at the place, we parked outside a bit near to the house. So, the men can spread out towards the place silently. When my uncle signal me that all of his men are in their place already, I hold my own gun walk slowly towards the house with my uncle, Seulgi and Jisoo. Well my father didn't allow me to go but he can't stop me, not now. He stayed at the car with his body guard because he said that he's the one will look out if something happen outside.

We are just walking towards house, as we are getting near the house we found some men are down already even if we didn't hear any gunshot. Maybe they just hit them to make them unconcious so we won't make any noise. When we all make sure that outside the house is clear, they started entering the house silently as we followed. My friends are still behind me since I am the only one who has a gun.

As we enter the house, we searched inside room to room then we found some of the bad guys men and fight with them, still not using of the guns. I didn't know we did that without using gun but I guess we're just making sure not to put Lisa and Liam in danger. Well, I recieved a hard punch on my face and about to shoot the guy but Jisoo beat me to it by punching and kicking him that made him sleep.

When didn't find them on the first floor, we started heading to second floor carefully. As we reached the second floor we started searching again. Well, the house is a bit big that's why there's a lot of room inside. While walking, I heard a scream and I immediately change my direction towards where I heard it.

"Noooooo!" This is what I heard.

I walk fast because I am sure that is where Lisa and Liam. As I am walking, the screams becoming so loud and getting clearer.


It's more clearer and I think it's Lisa because I know her voice. Fuck! Where are they?! Why is there so many rooms in here. I tried to open every door we walked pass but it's all empty. I am getting more frustated every time I hear a fucking scream. I don't care I got hurt or shot every time I am opening a door without checking it first. I need to find them.

"Jennie!" "Help!" A hundred percent sure that it's Lisa. She needs me. She fucking needs me. She's looking for me already. I feel hurt because I know she's scared but still my anger is eating me.

I found another door again where I am sure I heard the sound. I forcefully opened the door only to find out the guy is harassing Lisa on top of her. I didn't notice where Liam is that's why I run towards the guy and push him hard then started punching him. I straddled him while punching him and he's covering his face. I put all my anger towards him by punching him real hard to the point that I can't feel my hands. When I successfully removed his arm to see him, I stop and got shocked.

"Y-you?!" I stuttered while shouting. Since I stopped, he got his chance to push me and punch me. "J-Jaehyun?!" He just smirked at me.

"Yes your new business partner." He chuckled. Then I punched him that make fall on the floor again. And took advantage to straddle him again.

"Fuck you!" I started punching him again but he changed our position and now he's the straddling me and punching me.

"Sorry!" He said then one punch. "I only want to fuck my fiancee." Then punch on again. He's chuckling while punching me. But my blood boils again when he disrespect Lisa. I got the chance of changing our position when kick him.

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