Part 59

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Jennie's POV

A couple of months has passed, Lisa's baby bump is already a bit big. At first, Lisa doesn't want to have a gender reveal because she said it's a bit unfair to Liam because she didn't celebrate Liam's. After a long convincing, she gave in but I promise to her that we will be having grand Birthday celebration on Liam's 7th birthday to make it up for the gender reveal he never had. Today is the day where we will celebrate the gender reveal. My friends are here already since they said that they wanted to help even we hire an organizer for the party. They're really hands on in every party we are throwing. We all took a week vacation for this and after we will go to somewhere we can relax and do the plan of asking her hand. I am planning to talk to my friends, my parents and her parents even though they're not still talking about the past because I still respect them as the parents of my future wife.

Right now I am just waiting for One and Liam to go back home. Since it's saturday, One took him out to have a bond with his son. Lisa and I talked about the schedule when will One can borrow him to have a bond right after Liam met his biological father. We both decided to let him take Liam every friday after his home school and bring him back sunday morning. So we can still have time to take Liam somewhere he wants or do something our son wants because I have a work and I always cam home dinner time. Although Lisa is always home after lunch, I still want to have a free time with both of them.

This past few weeks, I don't know, I can't understand what I am feeling but I am not mad. It's just that sometimes I feel jealous and hurt everytime Liam is with his real father and there are times that they invited Lisa to come with them. But I can't just blame my son or his real father, I actually understand him. He just want to make up the time he's not with Liam and he has every right with our son. I can't just stop what I am feeling. I am getting jealous every time Liam is telling me how his day went with One but I cannot just be selfish and let him away with his real father. And I am still happy because at the end of the day my son always end his day telling I love you's to me and that made my jealousy went away. Don't get me wrong, I really love Liam as my own and I really wanted to be his father.

"Hey." Jisoo called my attention with Seulgi. I didn't notice that I am spacing out looking at our pool while I am standing beside the pool.

"Hey, you need something?" I asked looking at them and look back to where the organizer is arranging everything.

"No but are you okay?" Jisoo asked and I look at her confused.

"You seem lost in thoughts." Seulgi said this time.

"Uh.. Yes I am okay." I replied giving them a small smile.

"Okay. We can just talk later anyway while drinking." Jisoo said then chuckled not convinced by my answer.

"Well if Lisa allows me." I replied then we all laugh.

Well if Lisa will really allow me to drink but I'm sure she will since we are the one who's throwing a party. Lately, Lisa's craving has changed. She stopped eating her weird pregnancy cravings. It's not that I don't like whatever her cravings are but I admit I really like it and it benefits me too. Her sexdrive is literally so high she's waking me up almost every midnight because she wanted me touch or eat her. Sometimes she just want me to be beside her all day then she wants my skin touching her skin and if she didn't feel my skin she's going to cry right away. I am not complaining though because I love doing things for her and for Liam also. Speaking of my little bubba, he's finally arrived running towards me and One behind him watching Liam's every steps. He's good with Liam though.

"Dada!" Liam shouts while running towards me.

"Hey bubba, I told no running, right?" I said as soon as I kneeled down and throw himself at me then I hug him carefully.

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