Part 13

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Lisa's POV

As soon as I arrived home, I immediately went out of my car and run inside my house. Nana called that Liam won't stop crying unless I go home. It's the reason why I left the restaurant hurriedly. Nana told me that Liam slipped at living the room because he spilled the juice he's drinking that caused him to bumped his head on the floor.

"Liam! Baby! Mommy's here." I said as soon as I entered the house and found him crying on the couch while Nana is cradling him.

"Sshh mommy's here love mommy's here." I said as I get him to nana and hug him tight in my arms and sat on the couch.

"Mo-mmy i-it hurts." He said while sobbing and rub the part where is it hurting.

"It's okay baby. I'm here." I said then kiss his head and rub after.

We just stayed in that position, cradling him, until he stop cyring. I leaned down my and check him to see that he fell asleep already.

Jennie's POV

We went home staright after we finished our food. I was silent the whole drive because I am alone since Seulgi drove their car. I can't stop thinking about what I heard earlier. Does she have a boyfriend already? A girlfriend? or what? Who is she calling love? Aish.. I need to know that before I lose my sanity. I said in my mind as sat on the couch in my living room.

"Let's have a drink, you want?" Seulgi said that made me jump on the couch.

"Yah! you startled me. I thought you both went home." I said when Irene appeared behind Seulgi.

"I have a feeling that you will drink so we followed you instead." Seulgi replied and they both sat on the couch too.

"I don't have plan on drinking right now, maybe I'll just sleep." I replied since I'm not really in the mood.

"Okay let's drink when you're counsin's back again. So she can have an Idea about this project, she just know that it's her friend as per what we said and you decided to start it asap." Seulgi said. And yes when my cousin came home last week I just told her that I will start the construction and handle it myself not giving her any information about Lisa since I want to be with her more often.

"Yeah we definetly need to drink when she comes back because I need to ask her more about Lisa." I replied because at this point only my cousin can answer since they're friends.

"You're right Jen." She said.

"Do you think she's in a relationship?" I suddenly ask them. Maybe I need some answer right now even though it's not sure.

"Maybe or maybe not, she called love who's on the phone. Who would call someone an endearment if they're not in a relationship or whatever you call that. But let's not jump into conclusion, maybe it's just her bestfriend. I even call Rosé, babe." Irene replied this time. She's right maybe it's just her bestfriend but we're still not sure. My cousin is the who knows the answer to our question.

"You have point Irene. But I really need to know if she's has someone already." I said the leaned back lazily at the couch.

"Then let's wait for your cousin. She's the only one who can answer you, us." Irene said.

"Yeah. You can go home now, I'll just sleep. So, you can bond with your daughter. And please tell her I miss her I bought something for her." I said.

"Yes will, and please too, stop spoiling her okay? We don't want to see another kiddie playground inside our home. Just buy some small toy, okay? Not the life size teddy bear again." Seulgi said looking annoyed at me. And yes they have a 3 year old baby girl.

"Fine, I'm sorry. I just love your kid." I replied.

"That's why you're her favorite auntie." Irene said. "Why don't you use your d*ck so you can have your own kid already that you will spoil." Seulgi added.

"Soon guys. If Lisa is not in a relationship. Bye take care!" I said and walk upstairs.

"Bye love! hahaha" I heard Seulgi shout while I'm in the middle of stairs. And I just raise my middle finger at her and continue walking to my room.

As soon as I enter my room I remove my coat and lay down above my bed and start thinking about Lisa again.

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