Part 19

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Long chapter :)

Jennie's POV

I am feeding Liam as he is sitting on my lap, he wants me to feed him instead of Lisa. After Lisa changed his shirt because he's sweaty from playing, he climbed up on my lap. My cousin and her wife Rosé keep on teasing me about being an instant daddy while Seulgi and Irene giving me the 'you're still not the real daddy' look.

"Mommy can I play with Dana again? I'm done eating." Liam asked his mom after his last bite.

"Later baby, you need to rest for a while you're tummy will get hurt." Lisa replied as she wipe his mouth and he nodded. But he turn to look at me like he's asking me if he can play already.

"Listen to your mom buddy or I'll get scolded too." I said to him then look at Lisa who's waiting for my answer.

So, Liam have no choice but to follow his mom and just fully turn his body facing me, straddling me and lean his body on me and face on my chest.

"Liam." Jisoo called him and Liam face him but this cousin of mine just stuck his tongue out to him. So, Liam try to reach for her to punch her. Since his arms is tiny it didn't even touch her and Jisoo just laugh at him. Liam started crying.

"Jisoo stop making him cry, you always make him cry." Lisa said and wipe his tears.

"He looks cute when he cry." Jisoo said while laughing.

"Stop Jisoo." I warned Jisoo and she stop laughing. Liam's face is back on my chest still crying and I start caressing his back to stop him from crying.

After a few minutes, Seulgi and Irene went to their other guest while Jisoo and Rosé get another batch of food and alcohol drinks. Lisa excused herself to go the bathroom.

"She's the one you're talking about?" My dad ask me as he approached me with mom. "Is he her son?" Mom added as he point to Liam that I didn't notice he fell asleep.

"Yes mom, dad." I said looking to both of them, mom caress his hair. "But I don't think I will have a chance on them." I added and glance at them sadly then look down to Liam and kiss his head.

"How do you say so?" Dad asked.

"She has a husband dad, I told you right?" I replied to dad.

"You're not sure about that Jen. Anyways, we'll go ahead we have a flight tomorrow morning." Dad said making me confused and tap my shoulder. "Bye hun see you." Mom said and kiss my head.

"What do you mean dad?" I asked dad looking so confuse.

"Just bring them home soon." Dad said then they both leave. I can't follow them Liam is sleeping on me. Aish! My dad is giving me a headache.

If you want to know how my parents knew about Lisa. Yes I told them Lisa first, the first time I saw her and when I found out that she has son and husband. Actually my dad didn't stop me to pursue her even I told them about it, but as I respect her family I don't want to ruin something they already build. They're a happy family even if Liam is claiming me as her daddy.

They all came back at the same time. Jisoo carrying a bottle of whiskey and a wine. Lisa helping them with plate on her hand.

"Jen you can give me Liam he fell asleep already." Lisa said as she sat down and try to get Liam but Liam whined and hug me tighter.

"It's okay Lisa he might wake up." I replied and pat his butt.

"You can put him to bed Jen, at the guest room." Irene offered.

"I don't think he would let go of me." I said and sign them I am okay.

Then Jisoo pour a whiskey in a glass for me and Seulgi while Irene pour a wine for them three. We just continue talking about random things while Lisa stops after her 2nd glass saying that she's a light drinker and she needs to take care of Liam when they got home. Irene offered them that they can stay the night here but she decline because she has something to do tomorrow.

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