Part 28

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Lisa's POV

While I was driving heading to the airport my son doesn't stop asking me if we're already near the airport. He always ask me every minute like literally because he's so excited to see Jennie after a week. He even ask me to drive faster and beat all the red lights just to arrived at the airport faster.

We are waiting for Jennie here at the arrival gate. She texted me already that she's waiting for her luggage. Liam's eyes never leave the gate because he wants to see Jennie right away. Sometimes I think of what Jennie fed my son to become this so fond of her.

"Dada!!" I startled when Liam suddenly shouts and start pulling me. "Mommy faster faster." He added pulling me.

"Baby stop pulling me. We might tripped." I stopped him and walk slowly. Oh God... What happened to my son... I mumbled on myslef.

While we're walking towards Jennie, I saw her talking to a woman and man. I think they are the same age as her or me. They keep talking while walking going outside the gate and I felt a bit irritated because the girl keeps touching Jennie's arm every time she laughs. The girl is about to cling her hand in Jennie's arm but Jennie saw me and Liam so she walk fast towards us.

"Love! Bubba!" She carried Liam first before she hugs me and kiss my temple then kiss Liam all over his face but still her hand is on my waist. "I miss you both." He added then squeezed me and Liam in her arm.

"I miss you too dada." Now he hugs Jennie on her neck snuggling.

"Don't you miss me?" Jennie asked me then she pouts at me.

But before I could answer her to tell her that I miss her too we heard someone getting her attention. Jennie turn to them and talk to them.

"Sorry guys I forgot you two are still with me." She said facing them. "Uhm.. Love, this is Mr. Cha Eun Woo and this Ms. Jeon Somi." She said as she point at the two. "And guys this Lisa and Liam." She added introducing me and Liam.

After she introduce us to them we already left. Jennie told me they are her friend from the business field since they are almost the same age. Jennie told me that she invites them too the opening of my café. But that Somi girl told me that I am familiar to her and she guess she met me before and her name sounds familiar to me too.

We're on our way to the restaurant where Liam wants to have dinner. They serve the best chicken in there, you know kids always want chicken. So we have no choice but to eat chicken for Liam.

When we arrived at the place the staff guide us to to our seats and get our orders. But Jennie ordered wine for us since she missed drinking, she doesn't have time to drink because of her work. Liam sitting on her lap because you know he really misses Jennie.

"How's your bussiness trip?" I ask her while we're eating.

"It went well but tiring at the same. Meeting everyday." She replied before she bite the chicken.

"That's good. You're travel is worth it." I said then put more pasta in her plate.

"Yes, it is love. But next time I will bring you and Liam too." She said after she thank me for putting her food in her plate.

"We would love that. But please don't tire yourself too. Look at your bags it gets dark that fast." I am just concerned about her health because she's a bit workaholic.

"It's fine. I am okay. Besides I am back, I will have a lot time to rest now. I don't need to work over time again." She said after her last bite. She ate faster this time maybe because she's tired and hungry.

"I know but please don't forget to rest, okay?" I said to her worried. "When we get home don't bother to take Liam to bath just for tonight, I'll do that then you wash yourself first and go to bed." I added with a bit a authoritative voice.

"But love you know Liam will ask me for that. I am okay don't worry about me." She replied with her soft voice.

"No buts Jennie. I will talk to Liam later." Then I drink my water and let Liam drink his water.

"Okay love." She said then sigh.

After we ate our dinner and ice cream date. We went straight to my house because apparently Liam didn't forget the deal we made to him that Jennie will sleep with him.

When we arrived at the house I let Jennie used my bathroom and take Liam to bath in his room. Good thing Liam agrees with me that I am the one will take him to bath because I told him that his dada is tired from her flight which he understands.

After I took Liam to bath I dressed him in his pajama and we went to my room to check Jennie. When we enter my room Jennie is already in her pajama too while drying her hair. Liam went straight to my bed waiting for Jennie to finish drying her hair.

"You can wash up now love. I'll take care of Liam first." She said then she just let the towel on the floor. I just let deep sigh and slap her arm.

"Yah! What was that for love?" She rubbed her arm looking at me confused.

"How many times do I have to tell you to hang your towel back to bathroom?" I glared at her.

"I.. uh.. Hehe.. Sorry love. I'll hang this inside." She chuckled and went fast inside the bathroom and went to Liam in my bed and give me a peace sign then hug Liam.

I gave her last glare before I went inside the bathroom and take my time to shower and do my night routine. I didn't mind the time since I know Jennie is with Liam and she'll look for my son.

When I went out of my bathroom, I found them both asleep already in my bed. Jennie's head on the headboard in uncomfortable position while Liam is hugging her waist. She must be really tired.

"Jen." I tap her shoulder to wake her up so she can lay down properly.

"Oh I'm sorry I fell asleep." She said as she open her eyes and look at Liam who's asleep already. "I'll just carry him so we can sleep in his room, wait." She added and she's about to move but I stopped her.

"No, it's okay. I just woke you up so you can lay down properly. You might hurt your neck when you woke up in the morning." I said to her then pull up the duvet.

"Are you sure? We can sleep here beside you?" She asked me.

"Yes it's okay besides Liam's here. Don't worry." I replied then went to my side of the bed and lay down.

"Sorry. I am just tired I guess. Just wake me up if you feel uncomfortable." She said as she lay down and fix Liam's position beside him. This is one of things I like about her, she always thinks of me first before herself.

"Hey it's okay. Sleep now. Goodnight Jennie." I smiled at her.

"Goodnight Love." Then move towards me carefully not wake up Liam and kiss my forehead. "Thank you." She added and smiled then kissed Liam's head too and hug him before she closed her eyes.

This feels good. I don't know but I don't feel uncomfortable knowing she's sleeping beside me for the first time and I am liking it. Maybe it's time to give her a chance to let her in, in my life and Liam too. She's been really good to the both of us. I just wish that she won't hurt me most especially my son.

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