Part 27

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A  very long chapter ahead :)

Lisa's POV

Ever since Jennie left for her business trip, Liam always sleeps beside me because Jennie calls every night in our time zone. Our time difference is 8 hours. She calls before she leave her hotel to go to her work place and call again when she comes back her hotel.

Today is her arrival and her flight will land at 8pm. She decided that we should eat dinner somewhere before we go home so she can make up to me and Liam.

Since it's saturday today, I decided to bring Liam first to the mall in the afternoon before we pick up Jennie to the airport. I am cooking our breakfast right now while my little guy is still sleeping in my room. 

"Good morning baby." I greeted him and kiss his face after I woke him up.

"Good morning mommy." He greeted back and hug me.

After we brush his teeth, we went downstairs. He greet nana first and sat on his seat while waiting for me to finish preparing our food to the table.

We just watch some Disney movies in our living room after we eat. After the first movie, I left Liam in the living room with nana and I went to my mini office to finish some of my work then check some papers. After we ate our lunch, I took Liam to bath first then let him take a nap first before I took a bath. We'll just leave when he wakes up.

When we arrived at the mall, I decided to go the clothing stores first for me and Liam because if we go to the toy store first Liam will surely want us to go the restaurant right after we pay because he wants to open it and play. We just bought a few clothes from different stores and I bought him a new sneakers from Adidas. While we're walking going to the toy store I saw someone familiar inside and went near them.

"Hi guys." I greeted them as I approached them and look our way surprised.

"Oh hi Lisa. You two are here too." Irene hug me and smile then pat Liam's head. "Are you going to buy toys too?" Seulgi asked.

"Yes, for this little guy right here." I answered then Seulgi carry Liam.

"Same for us as well." Irene chuckled and let Dana kissed my cheeks. 

"Oh. You guys are here too." I said when suddenly Jisoo and Rose showed up.

"Yes." Jisoo chuckled. "Nice timing, we're about to call you to invite you for a coffee after." Rose said.

"Sure but I'll just buy toys for Liam first." I said then Liam start walking looking for the toy he wants and we just followed him since Dana chose her toy already.

After Liam choose the toys he want, we to the counter to pay together. We continued walking after we went out from the toy store then look for some restaurant where we can have a coffee and snacks. When we enter the cafe we ordered first and sat down. We just talk about random thing while we're eating and drinking our coffee.

"When will my cousin coming back?" Jisoo asked me after she sipped from her coffee.

"Tonight. She didn't tell you?" I asked back.

"Sadly, yes. Before she updates us because she will ask me or Seulgi to pick her up but I guess that won't happen anymore." They laugh a bit after Jisoo speaks.

"I'm sure she asked you to pick her up instead us." Seulgi speak this time.

"Actually, I'm the one who insisted it. Liam and I drop her to the airport when she left." I said honestly to them.

"Oh. I thought her driver brought her to the airport." Jisoo said looking a bit confused. I wonder why.

"So, how are you and Jennie?" Rose asked me.

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