Part 50

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Jennie's POV

We've been waiting for almost 12 hours now for the update. My uncle even stayed here last night just in case he got an update and he can tell us right away. My parents and friends also stayed the night here. We all didn't have much sleep, well especially me. How can I sleep knowing my girlfriend and my son is in danger?

My unlce told me that he still didn't stop checkpoints he assigned everywhere. They already traced the cctv where the car take Lisa and Liam but the problem is where the car stop. They saw how they took them and hide from everyone in that place to not notice they kidnapped them. Then they can't see anything after that. Uncle told us that maybe the abductor really studied the plan for a very long time. But uncle already send some of his men to the place to search. According to him, that place is a small town in that country side. So, maybe they're hiding somewhere in a secluded area in that place.

Once we got an update, uncle told us that he will start his final plan to get them. Although he has a plan already but he still needs the latest update to make sure. It's already afternoon, when one of my dad's guard enter my house calling him. I walked with him to the main door to meet the guard.

"What is it?" My dad asked.

"Someone's looking for you, sir." He replied. I saw my dad getting a confused look on his face.

"Me? Are you sure?" He asked making sure of it.

"Yes sir." He replied. Then I got confused too. Why did that someone know where my dad is? And why are they looking for him in my house?

"Who are they? Did you asked them?" Dad asked him.

"Yes sir. He said he's Mr. Manoban." My dad and I got shocked and confused at the same time but we both suddenly changed our mood.

"Manoban?!!" We both said at the same time.

"Yes sir and ma'am." He replied.

"Let him in." My dad told the guard.

"Only him sir?" He asked.

"Is he with someone?" My dad asked.

"Yes sir. I think it's his wife." He replied. Oh, her parents are here. I wonder why and how they know where are we.

"Okay let them both in." My dad command and we walk back to the living room.

We went back to the living room where my mom sits with my friends and uncle. We are just waiting together while we wait for the lead about Lisa and Liam. Seulgi still keep saying sorry to me because she wasn't able to save Lisa and Liam. But it's not her fault, I know she wanted to save them but someone just hurt her to stop her. I feel proud having a friend like her.

"What are you doing here?" My dad asked the moment Lisa's parents stop in front of us. "If you're looking for your daughter, well she's not here and even if she's here I won't you see her." My dad added. I notice Lisa's mom getting teary and her pain in her eyes. I scoffed.

"I know Kim. We're not here to fight with you and take her back." Mr. Manoban replied sadly I guess.

"The why are you here? We're not even partners or friends anymore." My dad replied sternly.

"I know what happened to my daughter and I-" I butted in cutting him off then stand in front of them.

"How did you know?!" I asked shouting. "Are you one of them?!" I added.

"No." He answered. "I am not one of them. In fact, we're here because we want to help." He added. I scoffed.

"Help?! What help are you going to do?!" I asked loudly because I am starting to get pissed off. I know what he did to his own daughter. Of course, I will get mad.

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