Part 57

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Jennie's POV

When I arrived at Lisa's cafe, I noticed a familiar guy went out from the cafe. I think I saw him somewhere but I cannot remember where. Anyways, I came here to pick her up and not for anything. When I enter the cafe, the manager told me that she just finished her meeting with someone and I saw one of the guard right outside her office door. For I know her guards is not staying outside her office just outside the cafe or inside sitting but I just shrugged it off. I did just compliment him for guarding Lisa that way.

When I enter her office, I found her sitting at the couch crying. I thought at first that it's just her hormones but something's telling me not on what I see in her eyes and her eagerness to come home. I don't know what's happening but I just did what she wants. I don't want something bad to happen to her and our growing baby. The doctor said that she cannot be stress. I know she will tell it to me as she said when we got home.

She immediately went out of our car when I parked and I followed her right away leaving some of the things inside the car. I can just get it later, anyways, or ask nana to get it for me. I found her inside our house walking so fast, she still knows she can't just run because of the baby, I just continue following her. She went straight in our son's room. I found her hugging him like Liam will be gone or something. I just told Liam's teacher to be back tomorrow and she just understand me and leave after thanking me. 

"Hey love. What's wrong?" I asked Lisa as soon as I sat beside them on Liam's bed. But she didn't answer me. I am just hearing her saying I love you's to Liam and she will never leave him. I want to think that it's just her hormones or something happened that trigger her anxiety again. 

"Love, talk to me. Please? I'm getting  worried." I said again and this time she looks at me and saw her tears flowing. Then she look back at our son who's looking confused.

"Mommy, why are you crying?" Liam asked and wipe her cheeks and kissed his mommy's lips.

"Nothing, baby. I'm fine. I love you, so much." Lisa replied then hug and kiss his head.

"I'll tell nana to prepare your food, okay?" She said to Liam and nodded at her. "I'll just talk to your dada then we will watch movie." She added smiling lovingly at him.

"Okay mommy, I'll wait you and dada." Liam replied then kiss the both of us.

When we enter our room, Lisa didn't waste anymore time and threw herself to me hugging me while sobbing on my chest. I just hug her and kiss her head repeatedly until she calm down. I guided her to sit on our bed and I did the same. She's just looking at me while I am wiping her cheeks. 

"Love." She called me because she's now ready to talk but she sounded weak.

"Yes, love?" I answered. "Can you tell me now what's happening?" I added and she nodded. 

"Y-you want to know w-who's Liam's real father, right?" She asked stuttering and her eyes staring to water again. That caught me off guard, I know that this situation will come but I am not ready. Well, I can't just change the fact that Liam still has his real father.

"Yes. What about it?" I asked ready to hear what she's about to say and ready for what's about to happen. It's not that I am scared that I might lose Lisa because basically she's pregnant with my baby and there's no way now that I will let her slip away but because of Liam's, my son now.

"Well love, he showed up suddenly to my office a while ago." Lisa said and her tears fall again. "I know you know that Jaehyun is not his real father." She added.

"Yes, I know." I said and wipe her tears again. "What does he want?" I asked.

"H-he talked to me and explain everything. I-I thought he doesn't know about Liam but it turned out that Jaehyun told him and used it against him that's why he suddenly disappear." Lisa said and told me everything what he explain of why he suddenly disappear. I discovered that he just did that because he's just protecting Lisa and his son that suddenly scare the hell out of me. 

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