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Lisa's POV

Few years had passed and I can tell that our lives is filled with peace and happiness. A lot of things happened these past few years and it made us stronger. Jennie and I are both still working on our own, of course, but not to the point that we are not giving our children a time. We always make sure that we still have time for them. We always do some activities every weekend. Our lives runs smoothly day by day.

But sometimes we were fighting or arguing but it's normal for a married couple. We both know that it's just a misunderstanding that's why we always fix our problems right away. We won't let our day end without fixing our problems. We always ended up in each others arms after solving our argument but most of it are just petty things because of my jealous ass wife.

And speaking of my wife, I don't know if my feelings is true but I felt something different from her. I feel like she's been possessive these past few months. I know she's possessive over me but I felt something's changed. I felt it became deeper that I can see darkness in her eyes. It's not that I am complaining but she's becoming too much. I will talk to her about it soon because I don't want misunderstand her and I don't want to feel scared of her because of that or is it just me that I am feeling this.

"I'm home!" I shouted excitedly when I enter our house. The kids run towards me and give a hug and kisses. I saw my wife laying down on our couch looking at me waiting for me to go to her. She went home earlier today than me because she said our daughter is crying looking for her.

"Hi love." I greeted her after I put down my bag and my coat.

"How's the cafe?" She asked as soon as I laid down on top of her then hug and kissed her.

"It's tiring but it's all good. How 'bout you?" I asked then place my head under chin.

"Still the same, love. Full of meetings." She answered as I felt her kissed my head. "But still no meetings scheduled after 5pm." She added. She refused to have a meeting beyond 5pm because she said it's family time and she doesn't want to miss a dinner with us because we are not having our lunch together. But there are times that she have meetings after 5pm but if it's emergency.

"Mommy! Go down!" Jennie and I both laugh when our daughter whined in front us watching us. "Mommy!" She added pulling my hand.

"Why?" I asked teasing her while my wife is laughing.

"Dada's mine mommy!" She whined and her eyes are getting red but we just both laugh and I just continue teasing our daughter.

"No. Dada's mine baby girl." I said and put my tongue out then snuggled more on my wife's neck.

"Mommy go down." She cried then climbed up to us and do the same thing I did but still pushing me.

"It's okay my princess. Stop crying." Jennie said to our daughter and kiss her head. I just laugh at them and smiled lovingly while watching my daughter.

Our Liora is really a dada's girl. She always want her dada to do all things for her even though I am the who carried her for 9 months and breastfeed her until now. But not that much, she's just the same with Liam that wants to just suck my nippy until they're 4 years old. Well our daughter just turned 4 few a months ago. Our Liam is already turning 10 in a few months. Time really flies so fast when you're happy. Speaking of our baby boy, I found him laughing at us so I went to him. Well if Liora is dada's girl then our Liam is still mommy's boy, my forever baby boy. I thought he will become dada's boy but it's fine for me though. Seeing Jennie loving Liam as her own is more that matters to me.

While we are teasing and mocking each other in our living room waiting for our dinner to get ready, we heard the door bell rings. I personally went to the door instead our helpers since they're preparing our dinner. When I opened door I found my friends waiting outside, my girl friends from Thailand to be exact. I excitedly let them in after we gave each other a hug.

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