Part 45

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Jennie's POV

It's been month since that incedent happened. Since I knew everything about Lisa, although not all of it. At least, I knew the important parts of it. My private investigator handed me all of the informations about her family, their business. But I still don't know who this guy who did something to my wife, my son's bioligical father to be exact. I didn't have a chance to ask Lisa about him ever since we came back from Hawaii, we both became busy. I, for being a ceo. Lisa can't just ditch her business since it's been starting grow. But it doesn't change the fact that Lisa is still scared of her surroundings knowing the guy is just roaming around and knew where she is. I always drop and pick her up to her office. I assigned a driver and 1 guard for Liam to with him to his school which is Lisa and I argued about. Sometimes if I have and important meetings and I know that I will be go home late, my friends will stay with her in Lisa's house.

There's no time that I let her out of my sight. I mean, she didn't know that I hired some of our body guards to watch her and my son, since Liam started to go to school with Dana a week a ago. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I am this possessive type of person to her partner, it's just that for Lisa and Liam's safety. I didn't tell Lisa about the guards that watching them because she told me about her trauma about that when she was still in her father's, the guards that watching her every move. I don't want her to feel uncomfortable or trigger her anxiety.

Today I decided to take Lisa on a date because I know she's tired. And I want us to have a moment, just the two of us. I asked my parents already that I will bring Liam to them. And I want to do something that will ease my mind at all. I picked up Liam from his school with his driver and guard tailing behind us. We're now going to my parents house.

"Buddy!" I called Liam when I parked my car in my parents house.

"Hmm?" He just hummed in response, I look at him who's sitting at back while using my phone that I didn't know how he got it. Tsk! This son of mine has a fast hand.

"We're here already." That's the moment he faced me with his innocent smile. "Don't use that cute smile on me buddy. How did you my phone?" I added but still looking at me smiling.

"Dada you put this on my lap, I thought you want me to use this." He replied handing me my phone.

"Oh right. Maybe I forgot." I said as put my in pocket and got down to open the door for Liam then carries him.

"You're getting old dada but my mommy is still young." He laughed at me but kissed me after.

"Yah! I'm just 3 years older than your mommy." He just laugh at me and hug my neck.

We just enter the house and look for my mom and dad. They're both just got down from their room. Liam immediately greet my parents when he saw them. I left Liam with them for a while to get his things on my car.

"Mom! Dad!" I called them when I enter the house again. "Here. His bag." I put the bag on the couch because it's a bit big and 2 bags.

"Okay dear." My mom replied and smiled at me. Liam's in her arms.

"His clothes are in the black bag. Baby bottles, formulas and vitamins are in the blue bag." I reminded my parents.

"Noted honey." My mom. "I can't believe that you'll be this responsible father my dear." My dad said this time smiling at me. Looking proud. "Anyways, where's Lisa?"

"She's in her office that's why I prepared all of Liam's things." I replied feeling so proud of my self. Well, I am a dad now. I really should be responsible and act like a father.

"You're getting better honey." My mom said and hug me. "You should go and pick her up. You're son is good here." My dad said and tap my shoulder.

"Okay mom, dad. Please don't spoil him, okay? Or we're all gonna get scolded by his mother." I warned them and we all just laugh.

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