Part 32

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Lisa's POV

You came my love. You came. You did your promise.
You're here, my Jennie. My safe place and I know my person.

The moment I woke up from my nightmare, I am gasping for air. My breathing is really. I feel like I run for miles. I felt that someone touch my shoulder and caressing my back when I sat up. I flinched on the sudden touch and pulled myself back to away.

"N-no..." And I start sobbing. "No. Please. Stop." Then I hugged my knees.

"Hey, it's me. Jennie." Said by someone who's beside me. I am still not recovering from the nightmare because I still didn't recognize her.

"D-don't touch me." I said while trembling when I felt her arms again. This time she tried to hug me.

"Love." She called. "I'm Jennie please." She added.

"No!" I said still hugging my knees. "You're not Jennie." I sobbed. "Jennie won't f-force m-e." I said in between sobs.

"Love. Look at me please." She said calmly. Then I slowly look at her. It's her. She's really my Jennie. She's here.

"J-Jennie." I called her name as I look up at her. She really looks so worried about me. When I really confirmed that she's Jennie, I threw myself  to her that she almost fall from bed when she catch me because she's kneeling beside me. She hugged me tight and I cried so hard in her chest while she's caressing my head.

"Yes love. It's me. I'm here." She whispered and kissed the top of my head. "It's just a nightmare." She added still kissing my head while swaying our body together. She continued to whisper sweet words to me, calming me.

"I-It feels r-eal." I said. "Again." Then cried so hard again. When that past came back to my mind again. I want to remove it. I want it gone in head. It's hunting me again.

I didn't realize that I am slapping my own head and pulling my hair, to remove that memory in my head, when I felt her hand on my wrist stopping me from doing it.

"Stop love please." She said looking at my eyes with her teary eyes. "Don't hurt yourself. I'm here. Jennie's here, my love." She said softly wiping my tears. Then I hugged her tight again.

Yes, she's here. Jennie's here. I know I am safe. She will help me. I know she'll protect me. I feel safe in her arms.

I keep on crying in her arms while she's hugging me tight.

"I don't know what happened to you but I'll wait for you to tell it to me." She said kissing the top of my head.

"I'm here with you always. I'll protect you no matter what. Don't worry about anything, you have me, my love." She added.

"I love you, Lisa." The last thing I heard from her before I am fell asleep in her arms.

Jennie's POV

I woke up when I felt her wiggling her body and she immediately pulled away from my hug. I realized that she's having a nightmare when she started shouting "Stop." "Don't touch me." "No." and she's crying. So I immediately woke her up but she pulled herself away from and hugged herself.

So I tried to calm her down but at first she's rejecting my touches and I understand her. Eventually, she threw herself to me when she realized that I am the one who's with her and she keeps on crying.

Now, I wonder what happened in her nightmare but I am willing to wait for her to tell me. I am hurt seeing her hurting because of that nightmare and I hate to her crying.

I really want to know what now what happened in her past that made her like this. That made her have a nightmare like. But as I have said I'll wait for her.

I felt that she stopped crying and her breathing is stable already. I look at her and she's asleep already. I didn't want to wake her up so instead of laying both of our bodies, I just leaned my back to the headboard. I look at the clock and it's 4am in the morning.

I keep thinking of what her last word before she fell asleep. I don't think I will be able to get back to sleep. She said "It feels real. Again." and I keep thinking of every possible things that happened. So, it means that her nightmare really happened to her in the past. Add the "Don't touch me." I actually have an idea but I still want to confirm it. If what's in my mind that really happen to her I am sure that I am going to kill someone for the first time with my own hands.

Now, I realized more that I needed to protect her. I love her more day by day. I will make her safe with me. I'll fight for her even if it cost my life as long as she's safe. No one can hurt her now that she's with me. I won't let that happen.

I want to respect her privacy but sometimes I can't help myself but to know more about her so I tried to search her on the internet but to no avail there's no record about her. So, I decided to stop and really wait for her to tell us, to tell me. But I know this curiousity of mine won't stop me today so I'll just ask my father.

When I felt that she's really asleep, I layed her down properly and decided to cook for our breakfast. Before I went downstairs, I checked Liam in his room and kissed his head.

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