Part 5

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Lisa's POV

I am driving on way to my meeting while singing with some Taylor Swift's song that playing on my stereo. When suddenly I heard a loud pop sound then my car shake, luckily I managed to control the steering wheel and hit the break. I park my car at the side of the road and went down to check my car to see my tire was flat. Sh*t, seriously? now?.... I said and facepalm.

I check the time on my wrist watch and I still have 35 minutes before the meeting starts. I do know how to change a flat tire but I can't do it this time. I am wearing a f*cking tight dress. Maybe I will call some service. Dialed the service company right away. 

"Hello good morning, what can we help you?" Said on the other line.

"My tire got flat I and I need to change it." I replied with a tone of in a rush.

"Okay ma'am we'll be there 20-25 minutes." Replied on the other line.

"What? That long? I'm in hurry I have a meeting to attend." I said a bit loud.

"Yes ma'am, that's the fastest we can do we will still travel from our office to there." The man on the other line. "Nevermind." I replied and hang up the phone without waiting for their reply.

I guess I have to do it. I open the trunk of my car and get the tools to change my wheel. I get them out one by one and placed it at the side. I start removing the lug nuts of my wheel having a hard time because of my dress. When suddenly a car pulled over behind my car revealing a man out of his car.

"Do you need some help?" He asked looking on my wheel then to me. "Uh.. yes actually but maybe I am troubling you if I you'll help me." I replied because he's wearing semi formal so, maybe he has some errands too. "No it's okay I am not in a hurry." He replied waving his hand. "Are you sure?" I asked. "Yes. So, let me help." He replied smiling the leaned down to get the tools then start removing the remaining still helping him. 

"Okay I'm done." He said standing up and gather all the tools. "Let me help." I said as I get some of the tools from his hand the place it at trunk then he put the flat tire inside the trunk after.

"Thank you for helping me. I wanted to thank you by treating you something but I really need to go I have a meeting in few minutes." I said shaking his hands. "No worries, I just helped you I don't need something in return." He replied smiling. "No I insist. Here's my card and that's my coffee shop you can go there anytime and I'll treat you. Just call me. Thanks again." I said and hand my card to him. 

I drive fast right away not wanting to get late.

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