Part 29

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Jennie's POV

I woke up feeling squeezed by two person and something heavy on top of me. My eyes are still closed due to lack of sleep this past days and I still want to go back to sleep. I have no choice but to open my eyes fully only to realized that I slept here in Lisa's room with her and Liam. 

I want to rub my eyes but I can't even move my arms. I roam my eyes first so that maybe the blurriness from my eyes will be clearer. Then I noticed that I am lying in the middle of the bed already with Lisa on my left side hugging my waist and her head in the middle of my chest and shoulder and half of my arm under her sides. While Liam's upper body is on top me lying on a prone position while her arms on my neck and his head is facing his mother and my arm under his body. Now I know why I can't move my arms. 

"Love. Bubba." I called them both softly waking them up. But they are still not moving even an inch. I'm starting to feel numb on my both arms. 

"Love. Bubba. Wake up." Again, I called them but they're still sleeping comfortably in their position. It's not that I don't want them to be this clingy while sleeping and to be honest I love this. It's just that my arms is starting to feel numb, I just want to move a bit and if they still want to sleep I will go back to sleep too.

I tried to move both of my arms so that I can just hug them both in my arms. After a few try, I finally did move my arms and hugged them both. They both groaned when they felt that I moved my arms but they just hug me tight like they don't want me to leave. So, I just tapped both of them at their back and went to deep sleep again. I am just wondering are they the ones whose tired here or me? I just laugh in my mind. Then I went back to sleep. I guess we won't be able to eat breakfast. 

Lisa's POV

I woke up when I felt small kisses all over my face. I open my when it stops. I saw Liam doing the same thing to Jennie and that's when I realized that Liam and I are on Jennie's body. I am hugging her waist and Liam still on top of her. Before I move to get up, Jennie open her eyes already and caught me staring at her. She smiled first.

"Good morning love." She kissed my head.

"Good morning bubba." She kissed Liam's head.

We both greeted her back and I just hug her tight to hide my blushing face while Liam kissed her back. I know that I am blushing because of our position, I really feel like we're family right now and I am loving this. Honestly, I am looking forward for this to happen everyday. I am so close to making it official to Jennie. I am still scared but I want to risk everything for her and I am sure it will make Liam happy too.

"Love, can you please check what time is it? I can't reach my phone." She said and I turn around to get her phone and check the time. "Thank you." She added.

"Oh God. It's almost lunch time already." I blurted out. "I'll go to the bathroom first and you two after. I'll cook our food." I added and about to stand up but Jennie stopped me hugging me back.

"It's okay love. Let's just eat and go somewhere. Let's spend our weekend together." Jennie said and look at me.

"But you should be resting Jen. You just came back from a business trip. We can just spend it here." I replied a bit worried because I know she's still tired from her business trip.

"I'm okay. We all slept so long and besides it's Saturday we can go somewhere today. Let's spend the whole day tomorrow here and have movies with Liam." I am dealing with a stubborn Jennie right now. So, I have no choice but to let it slide today.

"Okay fine. But we won't be going home late. Okay?" I said with an authoritative tone.

"Yes ma'am." She said smiling widely.

"You hear mommy bubba? We will go out today." She said to Liam which cause my son to smile widely.

"Yey! Thank you mommy!" Liam pecked my lips a lot of times but she hug Jennie instead of me. I am getting jealous of Jennie already. Kidding. I like seeing them like that, I feel my heart is happy. I am happy.

"Dada, kiss mommy lips too. Come on." My eyes opened widely after hearing my son then he pulled Jennie's head towards me but before our faces touch Jennie pulled back her head. Oh thanks God we almost kissed. 

"Li..Liam. Bubba." Jennie said stuttering. I can sense that she got nervous because of what Liam did. "I just can't kiss your mommy to lips for now." She added talking to Liam softly. 

"But soon I can kiss your mommy to her lips anytime I want and we will wait for that." She said not looking at my son but to me. "Okay?" She added looking at Liam this time and my son just nodded to her.

"You two take a bath now before I change my mind and we will just stay here the whole day." I said  making them panic. Liam stand up immediately to bed and Jennie carefully remove her arm under me and stand up then carry Liam.

"Okay mommy." "Okay love." They both said and I just laugh at their silliness. They both went to Liam's room and I went inside my bathroom to take a bath too.

We decided to eat at Jennie's favorite steakhouse then at Liam's favorite ice cream parlor. After we eat, we brought my son to the park and let him play with the other kids while Jennie and I sat on the bench where we can still watch Liam. We just talk some random things and some are Jennie's cheesiness. Since, Jennie will still stay the night in my house, I decided to cook for our dinner so we can come home early and she can sleep early too.

We happily spend our day together. I hope it will still like this in the future. I know that we both have responsibility to our own career but I hope we both make some time for Liam to have a bonding like this. I know my son is happy and that's what more important. I am now sure that Jennie is the one who can fill what's lacking in my incomplete family. Jennie is the one who will complete Liam's family. I can see that she's going to be a good other parent of my son. If my son is happy then I am too. 

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