Part 38(1)

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Sorry for the super late update. I got busy for the past days because of my exams and I bought gifts for Christmas already. :)

I hope you still enjoy my story even though I update so late. Sorry if I always keep you guys waiting.

Jennie's POV

She's still in danger.

She's still in danger.

She's still in dange.



What Jackson's last words never left my mind. I suddenly felt nervous or I don't really know what I am feeling. That caught me off guard. I don't have any idea. All I know and sure of what I am going to do is to really protect her even though I don't know what will happen.

I am thinking if is that connected to what my father told me about her family. Is it about her nightmare? What kind of people surrounded her to make her in danger? What they can do to harm Lisa?

Am I really capable of protecting her and Liam? But I am willing to do everything I can to protect them both like what I promise to myself and Jackson.

"Hey." My thoughts got interrupted when I heard a lovely voice beside.

"Hey." I replied back and smile. "Drunk already?" I added then chuckled.

"No. I just had 2 glasses of wine, I still need to transfer Liam to your room." Lisa said while rubbing her arms feeling cold. "How 'bout you? Drunk?" She added.

"Not yet, I am still good." I faced her. "Let Liam sleep with Dana in their room. It's okay with them. If Liam will look for us, he knows where's my room and I won't gonna lock it for him." I added assuring her that her son is fine.

"Okay, Love." That made my face more red. "But is it okay if that's your last glass? I want to go to bed already." She added with her soft voice looking at me like Liam. My smile got wider.

"Of course love." I smiled. Ever since that nightmare, she never sleep without me.

We still continued to talk for minutes until I finished my glass. Our parents left first. Rosé slept first because she has a duty to the hospital tomorrow. I let Jackson stay here instead of getting a hotel room. There's a lot of guest room in my parents house.

We all say our goodnight to each other and went to our own room.

"You go shower first." I said to Lisa as soon as we enter my room.

"Okay." She said then enter the bathroom.

I just waited for her while getting a pair of pajama at my closet. I sat down the bed first. Thinking that after I take a bath, I will confirm it too Lisa of what are status already.

Lisa went out from the bathroom only wearing a robe but I am sure she's wearing something inside. Her hair is wet then she went straight to the vanity to dry her hair. I gulped hard because she looks so sexy. So, I went straight to the bathroom before I commit a sin. I respect her a lot.

After I took a bath, she's still sitting in front of the vanity still drying her hair. So, I decided to just sit on the bed while waiting for her.

"Love." I called her when she's done drying her hair. She looked at me after she placed back the dryer. "Hmm. I want to ask something." I added then she sat beside me.

"What is it?" Facing me.

"A-are we uhhm.. are we really hmm-" She cutted me because I can talk straight.

"Yes love. I am your girlfriend now. I'm yours. All yours." She said but there's something in her eyes that I can't read or maybe I am seeing a new side of her.

"Really? A-are you serious?" I asked feeling so happy and smiling so wide. I can feel my heart beats so fast.

"Yes Jennie and you're mine." The sound of her voice this time made me feel nervous because it sounds like I did something wrong.

"A-all yours love." I chuckled nervously while looking at her deadly stare to me. "W-what? Did I do something wrong?" I asked looking scared.

"Who is she to you?" She asked me and I look at her confused.

"Huh? Who?" I asked.

"The woman at the event who's all touchy to you." She replied and her stare oh God spare me, I feel like she's about to kill me. But I don't want her to see I am scared. So, something pop up in my mind.

"Why? Are you jealous?" I asked like I am not scared and nervous as hell right now.

"You don't answer the question with another question Jennie. Who is she to you?" Oh God. I am sure now that she's jealous. I'll take note of that. Don't make her jealous.

"A-an old friend." I chuckled nervously. She just raised her right brow not buying what I said. Like she's waiting for another answer. I gulped. I am still gaining her full trust to me. So, I have no choice. But even though, I will still tell it to her because I don't want to hide everything she wants to know about me.

"S-she likes me." She glared hard. "I-i mean liked. Past tense. Past. She liked me before." I gulped hard like something is blocking my airways.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"Ye-" I didn't finish what I am about to answer when she kissed me.

"Good." She said as she pulled out but before she totally move her head I grab her nape and kiss her again. I know I respect her but damn she's hot in my eyes right now. Jealous Lisa is so damn hot.

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