Part 23

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Jennie's POV

I went straight at Lisa's café after I finished my work.  For a month of courting her, our routine is always like this, I picked her up to her house then drop her home and if ever we need to visit the site I'll pick her up to her café. We both make time to take Liam with us for a dinner date or bring him to the mall or to some playhouse with Dana.

As I park my car, I get the flowers I bought for her then went inside the café and the staffs greeted me.

"Hi ma'am. Ms. Lisa is still inside her office." Her manager said as she greeted me.

"It's okay. I will just go inside." I replied and about to walk but she stopped me.

"Ma'am, there's someone inside her office I think they're having a meeting." She said giving me an awkward smile.

"Oh, do you know who?" I asked as she guide me to sit in the vacant chair.

"I think it's the architect from the site. I heard ms. Lisa called him that when he came." She replied then she asked me after what do I want to drink or eat.

"Oh okay I will wait for her here." I said. "Iced americano, please? Thank you." I added.

"Okay ma'am." She replied then went to the counter.

Why is the architect here? He always call me or Seulgi first before he discuss something with Lisa since he's working for, he's an architect under my company. I am not that dumb to not notice the way he looks at Lisa every time we are at the site. I know he likes Lisa, I notice it. But this girl of mine is oblivious about that. I will f*cking show this guy that he doesn't have any chance on Lisa. F*ck I need to step up my game.

"Ma'am here's your Iced Americano." The staff served and placed the coffee in front of me.

"Thank you." I replied as I smile at her. "Hmm can I ask? I added.

"Yes ma'am. What is it?" She asked then went near beside me.

"How long has he been here?" I asked curiously.

"I'm not sure ma'am but I think less than an hour." She replied.

"That's long already but why are they inside the office?" I asked because I know Lisa doesn't invite anyone inside her office unless it's her staffs and us her friends. I am the first one she invite inside her office alone. She have space inside the café for her meeting or for business talk.

"Ms. Lisa doesn't have a choice but to let him in. We were jampacked when the architect arrived." She said smiling which is I think nervously. They know already that I am courting her. I am glad when they told me that I am the first one she agreed.

"I see. Thanks for answering me." I said then she left after thanking me back.

While I am waiting for Lisa and that architect, I open my Ipad to check some mails and check the progress of Lisa's new branch. The construction will be done in less than two months or just a month, it will still depends on Lisa about the interior.

After a few minutes of waiting I saw on my periperhal vision that Lisa's office door open. I saw Lisa went out first followed by the architect. He's so smiley for liking and I hate the way he smile towards Lisa, they are still talking while walking. So, before I fire the architect I walk towards them.

"Hi Love!" I said as I approached them. And yes I call her that already even if she's not calling me back with that endearment. It's okay for Lisa if I call her 'love' she agreed about that. "Are you done with your meeting?" I added as I snake my arm on her waist and kissed her temple which I used to do and she doesn't complain ever or sometimes she kiss me back in my cheeks. As what she did after I kissed her temple and I give her the flowers I bought for her.

"Yes. He's about to go already." She replied. "Thanks for the flowers." She added. Before I talk the architect speak.

"Ms. Kim. Good evening." He greeted me and look a bit confuse or disappointed I guess. Serves him right.

"Good evening too mr. Oh." I replied as I ask him for a shake hand and accepted it. "I didn't know that you're going to meet Lisa." I added.

"Ah.. It's urgent, so I thought that it's okay if I just.. uhm.. If I can just go straight here and not bother you." He replied a bit stuttering and scratch her nape.

"It's never a bother to me if it's for work most especially if this is about Lisa's." I replied looking at him straight in his eyes.

"I'm sorry ms. Kim. It will never happen agaid." He bowed a little.

"As it should." I said. "We'll get going first." I added.

"Oh yeah yeah sure ms. Kim. I'll go ahead too." He replied looking defeatedly.

"Okay. Let's go love, our little bubba is waiting already. We don't want him to be all whiny at the dinner." I said to her reminding her that her son might be having his tantrums because we're late.

"Yes please let's go. I miss my baby boy already." She replied and cling in my arm ready to pull me. "Architect Oh we'll go ahead. Thank you for discussing it to me first." She added as she face the architect.

"No worries. It's my job. Thank you too for the coffee and food. Take care you two." He said then we all walk going outside the café and he wave at us before he enter his car and drive away.

While I am driving going to her house, we're both in a comfortable silence. Her hand on my thigh, which is her habit that I found out ever since I started courting her, and her head leaning back at seat looking straight at the road too, maybe she's tired from work.

"Do you want us to get take out food instead of eating out? You look tired." I held her hand on my thigh and took a glance at her then back to the road.

"It's okay. We promise Liam to bring him to dinner." She replied tilting her head to my side and look at me.

"You know, we can just eat at the balcony of your room. It will look like we are eating outside. Just allow Liam to eat one scoop of ice cream for tonight." I said.

"He'll be going to be hyper tonight and might sleep late, you know that." She said and I think she rolled her eyes on me.

"I will play with him until he feel sleepy." I shrugged.

"But you're tired from work too and you're still going home." She said worrying.

"It's okay love. Don't worry about me okay? Beside I love doing it for Liam and also for you." I said as I kissed the back of her hand.

"I just don't want you to get tired." She replied with a soft voice.

"I told you, I will never get tired of you and Liam." She just hummed and move towards me then lean her head on my shoulder hugging my arm. I love this. I love this feeling. I love this clingy Lisa.

We ended up having take outs and eat at the balcony as we planned while we're at the car. Liam got a bit hyper after he ate his ice cream. While Lisa took a bath, I played with Liam inside his room after I bathed him. After a few minutes Lisa came and played with us too until Liam sleeps. Lisa offered me the first time to stay the night but she said that I will sleep beside Liam. As much as I wanted to stay the night here but I can't. I still have some paperworks to continue to read and sign at home. So at the end of the night I went home after I made sure that Lisa is already settled in her bed and ready to sleep not forgetting to kiss her forehead before I bid my goodbye. I can't wait to go home to them.

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