Part 30

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Jennie's POV

Few days before Lisa's cafe grand opening, we're here at cafe to check for the final touches. Lisa is one hell of a perfectionist when it comes to her cafe. I can see how she is invested in this business of her. I know how important her cafe for her because this where her life starts and this is the only source of her living with Liam. She worked hard to make this big. Can't you believe it, a 24 year old single mother, will going to open her third branch? And to think that this is first time to build a business like this. I am so proud of her. I am willing to wait to know what made her do this and live alone in this country who knew no one here.

I am just watching her while she's checking every corner. I can see her smiling from time to time that makes me smile too. I happy watching her this happy. Sometimes she will stop then appreciate everything she sees inside the cafe.

"Hey. You're lips might tear up like a paper but I like seeing you smile." I decided to speak to stop her from walking all over the cafe.

"Oh. I'm sorry, are you bored already?" She replied facing me as I walk towards her. 

"No love. I don't want your feet to get hurt. You've been walking and standing for so long already." I said then hand her a bottle of water and thank me.

"It's just that, I am happy. I can't believe that I am going to open another branch again." I can see it in her eyes that she's happy, how her eyes sparkling eyeing everything inside her cafe.

"You worked hard for this love. You deserved this." I said sounding like a proud girlfriend, soon.

"It's because of you too. If you didn't accept my proposal maybe I won't be able to expand my cafe. Thank you so much for trusting me Jennie." She said sincerely that made her eyes teary then she hugged me tightly.

"I accept it or not I know you can still expand it love." I replied hugging her back. "Thank you too for trusting my company and also me." I kissed the top of her head feeling her hug. She pulled out from our hug and what she did made me stiff and stood frozen, she fucking kissed me on my lips, on my LIPS. She pecked my Lips. Then she hugged back immediately I can see that she's shocked of what she did too but before I can react, we heard her a fake cough.

"Sorry to interrupt your moment guys but we have to go. Your son is hungry." Jisoo said facing the both of us. I forgot that they're all here with us but they stay at the office after they check the whole cafe too. 

"Oh okay. Let's go." She walk fast going outside first without even looking at me after she pulled out from our hug.

"I didn't know that you're cute when you're blushing." Jisoo said while laughing that made me back on my senses.

"Shut up, Jisoo." I said glaring at her then start walking.

"I saw what happened." She's still laughing at me and I just glared at her. "But seriously, are you two officially together now?" She added.

"Not yet Chu. I am shocked too why she did that." I said because Jisoo knows how I respect woman even if they throw themselves to me. I never touch them or even kiss them.

"Just to talk to her later." Jisoo said and tap my shoulder then we went to our own cars. Liam and Lisa is inside my car already.

When we arrived at the restaurant we all went straight to our table and ordered. Liam and Dana is seating beside each other on my left side while Lisa is on my right side. Lisa was silent the whole ride maybe she's still shy on what she did. We just keep talking even the food arrived already.  We talked about who we invited on Lisa's grand opening ceremony. My parents are sure that they will be there. Lisa told me that she invited Jackson on that event. 

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