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Lisa's POV

"Love, did you double check our things?" I asked my soon to be wife when she enter the main door. She put all our things in her car and in the other car with his driver and our helpers then made Liam sat first in his car seat. 

"Yes love, even if I forgot something we can just ask nana to go back here." She replied then help me get my things. "Let's go?" She added and I just nodded. I was about to walk when she stopped me.

"We're going out. Are you not gonna stop doing that?" She asked a bit annoyed because of her possessive ass. 

"What? You're daughter is hungry Jennie. Of course, I need to breastfeed her." I replied and rolled my eyes at her.

"Are you not gonna cover your body or what? What if our driver is secretly looking at you or our neighbors are watching you from their windows? Your boob is a bit exposed and half of you body is showing." She scolded me but she has a point, so do I. Breastfeeding is normal and as if we're just going to walk all the way. Hello, our car is just right outside our main door. I just rolled my eyes at her and went outside leaving her but she followed right away to open the passenger seat and let me enter so fast.

And yes, I gave birth already to our healthy baby girl 5 months ago. Jennie and I decided to get married after I gave birth and after my full recovery. We are now heading to the biggest hotel they owned just in the city. We both decided to do a church wedding because we both wanted that our marriage will be witnessed by our creator, God. We both wanted to say our vows in front of him. For us church wedding is to celebrate a solemn sacrament. Since marriage is a sacrament it should be celebrated in a sacred place, a church. One of the reasons why our relationship keeps stronger day by day is because we always put God as a center of our lives. 

Two days from now before our wedding. Today we will all be staying at the hotel and that's where our venue for the reception. Tonight we will be having our dinner for Jennie and I's family. Tomorrow night is for our bachelorette party but Jennie doesn't want to have a separate party, so we decided to have one party. And the reason? Because she knew her best friends will invite a male stripper. Well same goes for me. Maybe if I witness some woman dancing on Jennie's lap, I am sure that I can kill that stripper in front of her friends.

''Can you focus your eyes on the road, Jennie." I said to Jennie because she always looking at our daughter who's busy sucking on my nipple for her milk. 

"I am carefully driving, okay? I just love looking at our princess." She replied and smile playfully at me.

"Our princess or my boobs?" I asked annoyed. 

"Both." She laughed and I just slapped her arm. "Kidding but seriously I love watching our daughter." She added but this time she really sounded sincere. I just smiled at her lovingly and she both kissed me and our daughter on our forehead when she stops at the traffic light and said her I love you's to me, Liam and Liora. 

Liora Manoban Kim. We named our daughter Liora. Jennie wants to continue our children's name starting at L. And I don't have any problem with that as long as she wants it too. In Hebrew, Liora means "God's gift of light". Because she is one of our light to us family. And for Liam it means "strong-willed warrior and protector". Since he's my baby boy and the only boy in my life before Jennie came, because that time I really don't have a plan to enter another relationship, I know that Liam will be my protector.

As we arrived at the hotel, the staffs helps our helpers to get our things and bring it to our room. Our daughter fell asleep before we even arrive and Jennie insist on carrying her while sleeping so I can stretch my arms but she just really love carrying her princess. She even told me already that her princess will only be allowed to have a boyfriend at the age of 25 or after she graduates from college. For sure Liora will be spoiled by her and will be dada's girl. 

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