Part 34

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A very long chapter ahead :)

Jennie's POV

When our friends came at Lisa's house, I bid my goodbye to them. I made sure Lisa and Liam has some company before I left the house. I just told Jisoo and Seulgi only on what I am up too but not all the details. I still respect Lisa's privacy but I still want to know some if ever my father really knows Lisa.

After I park my car outside my parents house, I immediately went inside after the maid open the main door. I found my father sitting at living room but my mother is nowhere to found. Maybe she's in the kitchen. Well, she loves cooking that's why I know how to. She taught me when I am still a student.

"Hi dad!" I greeted him when I got near him and he stand up.

"Glad you're here. I haven't seen you for almost a month." He said as he hugged me and tap back.

"Because you're always out of the country." I replied as I pulled out from the hug. "I told you to stop working already and just enjoy life with mom." I added.

"I know, that's why I am getting everything ready before I pass my position to you." He said looking at me seriously.

"I can handle everything dad. You taught me enough maybe I am more better than you." I said confident enough.

"You really are my Jennie. That's the spirit." He said looking so proud of me.

"Well, I am Kim." I said then winked at him and he just chuckled.

"Anyway, what do you want to talk about me privately?" He asked changing the topic.

"Let's talk to your office dad." I said. "But where's mom? I want to see her first." I added.

"I am here hun." My mom said getting my attention when she walked out from the kitchen.

"Mom!" I called and hug her then kissed her temple.

"I miss you sweetie." Mom said a bit sad.

"I miss you too mom." I replied and hug her again.

"But before you two talk, you guys should dinner first. I'll just finish what I am cooking." Mom said looking at me and dad.

"I'm sorry mom. As long as I want to with you two but I can't. I promise Lisa and my son to eat with them at dinner. I just want to talk about something with dad." I said to my mom feeling so sorry. I miss eating with them too.

"Your son? Really? Are you and Lisa already together without telling us?" My mom said dramatically to me.

"Not yet mom. But yeah Liam is my son not by blood but by my heart. I assure you that Liam will be a Kim a soon and so as Lisa." I said confidently while smiling so big at them.

"Make sure of it Jennie." Mom said with her serious face. I'm glad that they like Lisa for me and still accept Liam.

"Yes make sure of it. I want to bring my grandson already when I play golf with my friends and introduce Liam to them as one of the Kim's successors." My dad butted in. See, they see Liam as their grandson already and I am happy about it. "And I am sure your mom wants to bring Lisa to shop with her." He added.

"You got it right hon. I am going to have a shopping buddy." Mom replied to dad. I just shook my head to them while smiling. Can't wait for that to happen.

"But please dad don't spoil Liam too much. Lisa doesn't want to spoil him." I said to my dad because I know that he'll spoil Liam. Well I can't blame him he really want to have a grandson already and know that we have Liam, I know for sure that he will always bring Liam with him. "I even got scolded hy her by buying him almost everything from the toy store." I added then laugh.

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