Part 37

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Lisa's POV

Thankful. Happiness. Contentment.

Those three are what I am currently feeling.

Thankful. I am thankful because God lead me to the right path where I met my new friends and especially to Jennie. They welcomed me open arms even though they don't really know who I am, what kind of a person I am or where I came from. They didn't hesitate to accept me and willingly wait for me to open up for them. They supported and helped me. They treat me not just as a friend but also like I am part of their family. They made me feel what it feels like to have a family. And I am thankful that I found a family with them.

Happiness. I am happy with my life right now. I become the person I wanted to be. I am free to do whatever I want without being afraid of the people around me. Despite of my past experiences, I am happy that I learned to trust someone again. I am happy that they found me too and let me see how they value their friendship. Especially to Jennie, I am happy that she still accept me even though I already have Liam. She made me feel that I can still experience of being love by someone for I deserved it too. She made me feel what it feels like to be taken care of. Jennie proved me that love is really unconditional.

Contentment. I am contented of what I have right now and it's enough for me. I am not asking for too much. Genuine happiness and love is all I want. I don't want money, power or fame. I hated those. I started my business not because I wanted to make a lot of money but because it is my dream. It's always been my dream ever since I started to love coffee. And because I needed to make a living for my son's future too. I am contented of how I am living right now. Simple life, new friends and of course because of Jennie and Liam. They are enough for me.

Jennie made me feel those three. I am thankful to her. I am happy with her, happier rather. I am contented to have her.

"You good?" Jackson showed up suddenly beside me disturbing of how I am feelings things that is happening with my life. I startled a bit holding my chest while I am still looking at my friends, their parents, my son and dana with Jennie at the Kim's mansion backyard.

"Gosh! You startled me." I smacked his arms and he drape his arms on my shoulder while his other hand is holding his beer. "And yes I am good." I added then look back at the persons who changed my life into a good one and smile.

"That's good babe." He replied then felt his arms on my shourlder tightened like side hugging me. I just smiled and nodded at him. We just became silent, a comfortable silence like we just cherish the moment with each other while looking at them.

"I think I am ready." I said breaking the silence and look at him.

"Well, that's good to hear. They deserve it though." He replied smiling at me.

"I know." I smiled and look back at them again. "I am planning to ask Jennie for a dinner date and tell her everything." I added.

"Okay babe. Just call me after and tell me everything what will happen. Okay?" He said then let go of me.

"Yes. I promise." I replied. Then he went back to my friends and told me to follow him if I am done day dreaming. What a silly best friend of mine.

I stayed looking at them for minutes before I went back to them.

After the event Jennie decided to have the after party at her parents house with just our friends and their parents. Jennie asked me first of course if it's okay for me and I gladly agreed to her. That's one of the reason I like about Jennie, she always ask me first and she's always considerate of me.

But lately, I've been feeling scared, afraid or whatever. It's just that lately I feel like someone's watching me or following me. Like every time I am going somewhere without Jennie, I feel like I am in danger and I don't know why. But I can't find anything or someone who's suspicious of following me. I am sure that's the reason why I had my nightmare again after a long time. It's not because of Jennie and I's almost make love. I do admit that I still flinched but I know to myself that I will give in to her and do it with her.

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