Part 58

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Lisa's POV

After the talk with Jennie about Liam's biological father, we both decided to schedule the talk with one after a week and now is the day. We are just getting ready before we go to the cafe. I decided to not go to work today and prepare myself for meeting one because we will bring Liam with us. I still don't know what to feel because I am not sure of what's about to happen. I can't stop thinking about what if he still want to have a custody of Liam. I can't live without my son. He's the only I have and now, Jennie but still I can't be away from Liam. Most importantly, I don't want this to add to Liam's trauma or pain.

It's already afternoon, we're already settled in the car and ready to leave. Last night, I talked to my son about his real father. At first he thought that I was joking him because he always say that Jennie is his real dada. Jennie helped me to talk to him explaining the real situation about us. He cried in Jennie's arms hugging her like he won't see Jennie again. Liam said he's scared that he won't be with Jennie again and Jennie is his only dada but eventually he gave in after Jennie told him that she will be his dada forever. 

"Are you okay?" Jennie asked me when she noticed how nervous and scared I am. I didn't notice that we're near already.

"Y-yes. I am just nervous and scared." I replied and she held my hand squeezing it gently telling me that she's with me. 

"Don't worry, love. I am here with you and Liam also." She said sincerely and kissed my hand. I just smiled at her. 

I don't know now what I am feeling. I am having mixed emotions but one thing I am sure about, I am scared. But having Jennie beside me makes me safe. I now I am safe with her. After a few minutes, we arrived and I heave deep breathe before facing Jennie.

"I'll just talk to him first, love. I'll call you if I need you and Liam to be with me already." I said then she me hug me.

"Are you sure you can talk to him alone first?" She asked then kissed my head. 

"Yes, love. Just stay inside my office, okay? I don't want to be with him alone inside a room." I replied as I nodded on his chest. 

"Okay. Just call if me anything happens, okay?" She said as she cupped my face and I nodded. "I'll have you staff watch you." She added then kiss my forehead. 

I went down first after I kissed Liam. They will just follow after me because I don't want One to see them first before we talk. As I enter the cafe, the staff greeted me and I just smiled to them. I gave them a notice just in case something bad will happen but I did not give them the full details. I roam my eyes around the cafe then I found the familiar man I am going to talk to. Luckily, he's back is facing me and not the other way around or else he will still see them. I walk hesitantly towards him but still went to him anyway. It's now or never.

"H-hey." I called his attention and he stands up immediately as soon as he see me. He's about to pull a chair for me but I stopped him. 

"Sorry. I'm still used to it." He said and smiled weakly then sat down. I sat down too.

"I-I'm sorry." He started looking sadly to me.

"It's okay. I just don't want my staff to misunderstood us." I replied.

"Oh. I guess they know about your partner but it's not about that." He said and I look at him confused. "I mean, I'm sorry about what I acted the last time we talk." He added sounded sincerely.

"Uh.. About that, a-are you really going to f-file-" He cut me off shaking his head.

"No. No. I won't. It's just that, I let my emotion speaks for me. I-I just expected to have you back. I-I didn't stop looking for you and loving you. Then I will know that you're pregnant."

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