Part 15

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Jennie's POV

The moment we arrived at Seugi's house, I immediately went to her mini bar and pour some whiskey in a glass. I drank in one gulp as I sat down on a stool in the mini bar and pour some again.

"Hey it's too early to get drunk, atleast eat dinner first." Seulgi said as she taps my shoulder and sat beside me.

"I don't know Seulgs, I feel like I needed this. It's still can't sink in to my brain. I'm not even starting yet I lost already" I replied and chuckled bitterly then drank the whiskey again.

"I understand you Jen. Even me, I can't still process it." Seulgi said. "But why Liam wants to call you dada? He even like you." She added looking confused too.

Actually I really felt happy when I heard that her son likes me and wants to call me dada. My heart start to beat fast feeling excited but suddenly it sank when her husband came.

"I don't know Seulgs. I admit I would gladly like it if he calls me his dada. But sadly he has his real daddy." I said then drank again.

"It's okay Jen. You'll be okay, atleast we knew this early. It didn't hurt you that much." Seulgi said and tap my shlouder.

"Too late Seulgs. I really want her to the point that I am thinking of getting her from his husband. But they look like a happy family and I can't ruin them." I said then chuckled bittery at my thoughts.

"Never think of doing that. You hate it Jen. You're not the person who can break someone's family." Seulgi said warning me. But it's just my thoughts, of course I wouldn't do that.

"I know. It's just that this is the first time I am being sure of someone. I am ready to love." I said sadly then stand up not waiting for seulgi's response. I just went straight to the guest room where I am sleeping if I am staying at their house.

I am just laying down on the bed still thinking about Lisa. I can see that she's really happy with her son and husband. Who am I to ruin what they have? I am just a business partner for her.

Lisa's POV

We were back at my house after we ate our dinner, Jackson brought Liam to his because he fell asleep on the way home. I don't know why I am still thinking about Jennie. I feel like I did something wrong to her, the way her expression change when she Jackson showed up. 

These past few days, everytime that I am with her, it feels so different. The first time I saw her I felt something strange. Even though she has this cold aura, she's so extra, like she's so careful, I can feel her sweetness towards me. She treats me differently. I noticed her glances towards me. I feel my heart beating  so fast everytime she's near me. I feel like I wanted to trust her but I am scared, I am scared to get hurt again and also my son. I am just starting build myself again and my new life. That's why I don't want to assume anything.

"Hey, you're spacing out. Penny for your thoughts?" Jackson said cutted of my thought as he sat beside me on the bed.

"Oh I'm sorry. It's nothing don't mind it." I replied as both lay down. Don't get us wrong about sleeping beside each other, we just used to do this ever since and I missed cuddling with him. He's the only who can make me feel safe right now but you can add Jennie because I can feel safe with her too, I don't know I just feel it.

"Okay. But I want to ask you something." Jackson said. " What is it?" I replied.

"Does that Jennie likes you?" Jackson asked.

"Huh? What do you mean?" I asked back.

"I noticed earlier the way she looks at you and the way she changed her facial expression when I called you babe." Jackson said.

"I don't know, we're just business partners so I don't about that and I don't want to assume anything. I am not sure if I can still trust anyone. You know what I've been through." I replied to him and hug him.

"I know Lisa but they're not them and I can feel that they're good people. You should start trusting someone, you need that but still you should know who you can trust. I am not always around you. You need to have someone here too. If you can make friends you should trust them too." Jackson said assuring me.

"I know but I still need time, hmm?" I replied.

"Take your time Lisa, no one's rushing you but not too long, okay?" He replied and I just nodded. Then we became silent still hugging each other. I can trust them. They are so good to me I can feel that they really want me to be their but I really need time.

"Do you like her, don't you?" Jackson suddenly asked breaking the silence.

"Babe" I asked softly because I don't want him to feel hurt again. Maybe I like her but I just don't want to admit it to myself.

"Don't mind me Lisa, I am okay now that we're like this. I accepted it already. It's okay if you like her, don't close your door to love again. I can feel that she can protect you, she's worth it Lisa. Besides Liam needs a father figure who can always be with him. Don't waste someone like her Lisa but if she hurts you I won't think twice to get you from her. Don't mind for now, I'll be okay. I am happy that we stays as bestfriend even though I confess to you way back. I just want you to be happy and complete your own family." He said softly while look straight to my eyes.

"I'll try Jackson. Thank you for understanding me. I love you." I said.

"Good. I love you too so much." He replied and kiss my forehead then hug me again. "But I tell you, don't waste her Lisa give her a chance if ever she really likes you okay?" He added. "Yes. Thanks again." I said. As I am about to close my eyes to sleep my phone rang. I get my phone and saw seulgi calling me and I answered.

"Hello Seulgi, you need anything?" I asked as I answer the phone.

"Sorry I know it's late but I want to ask you if you can come to my daughter's birthday next week? You can bring your son since it's a children's party. I'll be out of the tomorrow so I don't when can I talk to you again for inviting you." Seulgi said on the other line.

"Oh okay sure, just message the details. Thanks for inviting us." I replied.

"Sure Lisa thank you that's all and I am sorry for calling at this hour." Seulgi said.

"It's okay no worries. Bye Seulgi." I said as I hang up the phone. 

I told jackson about Seulgi's invitation and we sleep still cuddling. He's leaving in 2 days and I missed being like this with him.

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