Part 25

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Lisa's POV

I just finished some of my paper works here in my office in the café. I am now waiting for Jennie to fetch me because we're going to have a date with Liam. She told me last week that she's going to switzerland for a business trip and tomorrow is her flight. Jennie is not sure how long she will stay there but she assures me that it will be just 4days or a week. I understand her, she's the CEO after all.

Jennie decided to have a bond with us outside since she will not going to see us for days. She wants to take Liam out because we both now how hard to bribe Liam. My son is really attatched to her already to the point that Liam is asking Jennie and I why she's not staying with us. We both explain it to him already but he's still a baby to understand.

"Hey love." She greeted me as soon as she enter my office and I stand up walking towards her.

"Hi." I greeted back and hug her after she kissed my temple. She always do that to me every time.

"You ready?" She asked me. I nodded and get my bag  then cling in her arm.

We just walk together heading outside and bid our goodbyes to my staffs. My café's closing time is at 12mn since most of our customer is someone who's going home late and wants to have a coffee before going home.

We're going to fetch Liam first before we go somewhere for our date night. It's still early for the dinner though, so we're just going to bring Liam to the park before we have our dinner.

"How's your meeting?" I asked and look at her while she's driving.

"It went well love though I don't feel like we're going to be friends in the company." She glanced at me then back to the road. Jennie is really good at driving you can feel that you're really safe.

"Because he's old already?" I chuckled after I asked her. I already assume that the new investors is some old businessman because it's always like that for what I know and Jennie is one of the youngest CEO.

"No love. I thought he's old already but he's not. Maybe the same age as mine because he really look so young." She took my hand that's on her thigh and kissed it.

"If he's the same age as you I know you can be friends with him." I replied still looking at her side profile.

"I doubt that love. I am sure that we won't. I am not that dumb to not notice how he looks at me. I feel that he has this intense look on me like I did something wrong to him or what so ever." She just shrugged her shoulder.

After that, she asked how was my day and work too. We became silence after our conversation until we arrived to my house. I let Jennie dressed Liam while I changed my clothes into a comfortable one.

We brought Liam to the park and let him play in the playground while Jennie and I sat at bench watching my son enjoying. Ever since Jennie started courting me that's the time Liam experience playing in the park and I am thankful to her for letting Liam experience things that I can't do. I am just realizing now that Liam really need a father figure and at some point that I needed a partner too.

Since, I am raising him alone and I have a business to run I don't have time to bring him in a place like this. I will just always bring him to the mall or we just eat at the restaurant but mostly we're in the house watching together or play with him.

After he plays we went to a restaurant that Jennie reserved for us. She told me that it is one of her favorite restaurant, a facny steakhouse.

"Bubba?" Jennie called my son after he drank her wine.

"Yes dada?" Liam answered looking at Jennie.

"Are you full? Do you want more meat or mashed potato?" Jennie asked may taking some time to tell him that she will be gone for days.

"I'm good alweady dada." He smiled.

"Okay good. Come here, I want to tell you something." Jennie said and tap her lap.

"What is it daddy?" He went down from his chair and walk towards Jennie and sat on her lap facing her.

"Hmm.. I'll be leaving tomorrow bubba." Jennie said and place her hands at Liam's back for support.

"Okay dada. Take cawe. Bwing me Mcdonalds for dinner." Liam didn't understand her. He just thought that Jennie will be leaving just tomorrow.

"I mean, I'll be gone for days bubba. Dada will go to another country for work." As soon as Liam heard her, his tears are starting to form from his eyes.

"Oh no bubba don't cry please. I'll be back before you know it. I promise." Jennie added and wipe the his tears when it started to fall. Then she raise her right hand in front of Liam promising that she will back right away after her bussiness trip is done.

"No! Don't go daddy! Bring Liam dada!" He cried really loud that the other customer look in our direction.

"Sshh bubba stop crying. I'll be back promise. Okay?" She wipes Liam's tears and hug him then kissing his head.

I asked for our bill and pay already when Jennie gave me her wallet. Liam didn't stop crying until we left the restaurant. He didn't let go of Jennie so Jennie drove her car while Liam is on lap hugging her.

When we arrived at my house, Liam still didn't want let go from Jennie. So, Jennie ended up taking Liam to bath and I do the same. I went inside Liam's room only to witnessed their position. They both fell asleep, Liam fell asleep because of crying I'm sure and Jennie is tired from, Liam is sleeping on top Jennie hugging her afraid of Jennie leaving him.

While watching the both of them a lot things are coming into my mind. I love watching them both asleep. It makes my heart happy witnessing them together. I am now thinking that we both need Jennie in our lives. But I still need a bit time to totally let her in.

"Jennie." I tap her shoulder waking her up.

"Oh, I'm sorry I fell asleep." She said as soon as she open her eyes. She's about to move Liam when I stop her.

"It's okay. You can sleep here. I'll just get you some comfortable clothes." I said then went to Liam's closet. Since it became her routine to take Liam to bath, I let her leave some of her clothes here so she won't bring a lot to her car.

"Here." I said and hand her the clothes. "Go and change first. I'll hold Liam for you." I added then take Liam slowly from her but to no avail Liam starts crying right away and forcing to reach Jennie.

"Go change now. He won't stop crying until he sleeps with you again." I said rushing her because I know my son. He's really into Jennie right now knowing that Jennie will leave tomorrow.

"Are you sure I can stay the night here?" She asked as soon as she's out from the bathroom.

"Yes." I gave Liam to him already so my son will stop crying already. "Lay down already so both of you can continue to sleep. I'll wake you two up tomorrow." I added then they both laid to bed still Liam on top of her.

"Good thing that my flight is scheduled after lunch." She said happily because this is the first time she will sleep here. "Goodnight love." She added.

"Goodnight baby" I said to Liam and kissed his head. "Goodnight too." I said to Jennie and lean down to kiss her cheeks too. She just gave me her beautiful smile and I am sure she's blushing again.

I am going to sleep in my room. I am happy really. I think she deserve to be happy to be too. I can see her efforts for my son and me. Everything she does to my son is already enough for me. Soon I will give her what she really wants and that is my answer. I want to go home with her too.

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