Part 17

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Jennie's POV

As soon as we enter the office, I immediately sat down on the couch still holding Liam on my arms. He's sleeping so peacefully while he's snoring cutely.

He looks so angelic and he really looks like Lisa. I am just staring at him until Seulgi breaks it.

"You look like a responsible father." She said looking at me and Liam.

"Don't start Seulgi. We might wake him up." I replied glaring at her.

"I am not loud. I am just saying what I see." Seulgi said. "But seriously Jen, What are you doing?" She added asking me.

"What? I am just helping her" I replied.

"I know you Jen. Don't expect anything, I just don't want you to get hurt." She said with concern on her voice.

"I know what I am doing Seul. Her husband is not here and I am just helping, okay?" I said.

"Fine! But stop hurting yourself." She replied reminding me. "By the way, I invited them at my daughter's birthday party." She added.

"It's okay. It's a children's party anyway." I replied.

I am thinking what is Jackson's feeling taking care of this cute baby boy and being Lisa's husband. I want to know how does it feel. Maybe he really feel so happy taking care of them. Everytime he came home tired from his work, his tiredness will be gone because his wife and his son is waiting for him.

My thoughts got cut off when I felt Liam moved and starts whimpering while his eyes still closed.

"Sshh.. Hmm.." I hummed as I stand up and start craddling him while patting his butt.

"Yes daddy." Seulgi suddenly said teasing me then laugh.

"Shut up Seul! You're waking him up!" I said glaring at her. She just raise both of her hand and act like she's zippering her mouth.

And his little cries turns into sobbing when Liam totally open his eyes then look around the office when he didn't find his mommy. But the moment his eyes caught me again he locked his gaze for seconds then he suddenly moved his body and put his hands on my shoulder pulling himself up to hug me on my neck. I immediately put my arms under his butt to support his weight and he stopped sobbing.

"Dada" He mumbled on my neck and hug me tightly.

"Hmm?" I replied humming.

"Mommy?" He asked still snuggling on my neck.

"She's still in a meeting baby. You want something?" I replied softly then caressing his back.

"Yes dada." He said while nodding. "I'm hungry." He added.

"Oh.. Okay I'll order food. What do you want?" I said and asked him.

"Mommy." He replied shortly.

"Let's order first before I call your mommy. So, what do you want? Hmm? " I said and asked again softly.

"Mommy. I want mommy's booboo milk." He said that made me and Seulgi shocked.

"What? You're big boy already. Do you still drink your mommy's milk?" I asked Liam and he just nodded. For a 4 years old kid, I can't believe that he's still breastfeeding by his mom. Is that even possible?

"Okay but let's get real food. Can you tell me what do you want? Eat some food first before I call your mommy." I said.

"I want pizza and pasta." He replied and I look at Seulgi and told her to order since Liam doesn't want to down.

While waiting for the food that Seulgi ordered, Liam decided to go down and asked me if he can play. Since he doesn't have any toy, I gave something I can find inside the office that he can play with but he ended up playing with my phone while sitting on my lap leaning his back on me.

"Liam." I called Liam.

"Hmm?" He replied humming.

"Where's your daddy?" I asked him but he didn't respond, he just keep playing.

"Hey buddy, answer me please? I will get my phone if you don't answer me." I said warning him like a real father.

"No dada." He replied facing me and now straddling me while shaking his head the look at me with his puppy eyes.

"Okay. So, where's your daddy?" I asked again. Instead of answering me, he just point his cute little finger in front of my face. I know he's calling me dada but I am asking about his real father.

"I mean your real daddy." I said to him as we stare at each other.

"You'we my daddy. You don't want yiam?" He replied then his tears suddenly fell on his chubby cheeks.

"No.. no.. no buddy. I like Liam okay?" I said then wipes his tears but he still sobbing.

"Oh no Jen, make him stop before her mom-" Seulgi didn't finish speaking when the door opened revealing Liam's mom. The moment she saw Liam sobbing, she immediately sit beside me and get Liam from me.

"Hey love, mommy's here. Stop crying." Lisa said while wiping his tears.

"Sorry, I told you he's going to cry if he woke up and didn't see me." Lisa said to me facing me. I sighed in relief and look at Seulgi who sighed in relief also because she didn't think that I am the reason why he cried. I thought I am safe already but Liam suddenly speak blaming me.

"No mommy, dada made Liam cry." Liam suddenly said glaring at me and Lisa also.

"What did she do love?" Lisa asked Liam still glaring at me.

"She don't want Yiam mommy." Liam said looking sad. I was about to speak when Lisa suddenly smack me at the back of head.

"Yah! I didn't say that, I am just asking him about your husband. Sorry." I replied while caressing the part where she smacked me. She didn't has chance to respond because the food suddenly arrived here at the office. 

While we're eating Liam suddenly pull Lisa's dress down together with her bra and her breast  showed right in front of my eyes and Seulgi. Liam immediately suck Lisa's nipple the moment he saw it. Lisa got shock so she panicked looking for something to cover her. Since my reflexes is fast I pushed Seulgi's face first and remove my jacket to cover her.

"Oh my God!" Lisa exclaimed and facepalmed. "I am sorry." She added still her hands on her face.

"It's okay. Hmm.. We uh.. We didn't see anything. Right Seulgi?" I said and look at Seulgi asking her.

"Uh ye-yes. Yes." Seulgi replied stuttering. Then I felt my buddy down in between my thighs getting hard. Oh my God not now. I said in my mind then get the pillow on the couch and placed it on my lap.

After we all eat, Liam let go of her nipple. But of course Seulgi and I turned our back at them so Lisa can fix her dress. Then we went home seperately and Seulgi teasing me non stop. I guess I need a cold shower when I get home. 

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