Part 44

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Jennie's POV

While I am drinking, my friends came and sit with me. I am just looking at the sky thinking of what I can do for Lisa. I really wanted to get revenge for her but I don't know where to start. I need to more about her life in her past and the persons behind it. I hope that Lisa will tell it to me.

I already talked to my friends that tomorrow morning we will go back home. I know they understand the situation right now even though we still didn't know what happened to Lisa in the restroom. We just let her rest first and will continue to ask her when she wakes up.

"How are holding up hearing those?" Jisoo asked breaking our silence.

"I don't know chu. All I want to do right now is to get revenge for Lisa." I answered then drink the glass of whiskey.

"But how?" I looked at her. "I mean, what's your plan? She didn't even finish telling her story." She added.

"I don't know either. I needed to know the whole truth before I take actions." I sigh. "I already contact one of our private investigator but it will take time." I added.

"Okay. For now, I think you should stay with her as long as you can and we all do the same." Jisoo said and they all agreed.

"Thank you guys." I smiled at them.

"No worries. Lisa is our friend too." Seulgi said this time. "And a family." Irene added. They all nod.

We just continue talking and drinking. They're even suggesting what to do and they help me. While we're waiting for Lisa to wake up. Liam suddenly showed up and crying.

"Dada!" He called me and pulled my hand.

"Hey. What's wrong buddy?" I asked him calmly.

"Mommy!" He cries.

"Why? What happened to mommy?" I asked him getting worried and carries him.

"M-mommy is crying." He hugged me. "Let's go dada. She's hurting herself." That caught me off guard and immediately ran inside.

When we enter the room, we found our room a whole mess. The sheets on the bed is crumpled, pillows on the floor, the lamp shade is broken, like everything in the room is mess. I give Liam to Irene and told her to bring him to Dana. I found Lisa on the corner of our room sitting while pulling her hair, slapping herself, and sometimes punching or rubbing her body. I feel hurt seeing her like this.

"She left me." I heard her mumbling that words repeatedly whispering to herself.

"Because I am dirty."
"I am disgusting."
"She don't want me."
"She left me."

Those are what I am hearing from her while hurtung herself. She's trying to clean herself by rubbing her body aggressively.

"No no no. Love, I won't. I am not going to leave you." I forcefully hug her body while whispering sweet things to her to calm her down.

"N-no. I am dirty." She tried to push me but I just her tight. I am crying again. I really can't see her like this. Lord, please help me. I am praying to him.

"Sshh." I am calming her because she keeps on wiggling her body. "You're not. I love you, love." I said kissing her head repeatedly. "Calm down, please. I am here. I am always here." She stop. She's just crying.

After a while, she calms again. I tried to convince her to lay on the bed but she doesn't want to let go of me. So, I carried her instead like a baby. I sat both of us on the couch, she's like straddling me and her face is burried in between my shoulder and neck.

If we're not this situation, I'll find this sweet because she's being clingy. But it's not, she's scared that's why she's like this and I hate it. I don't want her to feel scared. Our friends just watching us, they're looking worried of Lisa.

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