Part 6

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Lisa's POV

I am really running late so I really don't care if I'm gonna bump onto someone.  I am now in front of the elevator but it's still going up then I checked  the time and I am minutes late already. Sh*t come on.. I cursed in my mind. 

I immediately run as soon as the elevator door open. I check myself first before entering the door and found out that my dress has a dirt stain but I didn't care since I am really late. So, it's now or never.

I open the door without knocking, since I am very late, only to find out that I think the CEO is already standing and ready to leave. But someone beside her is stopping her from leaving the room. They both look at my direction when I enter. She eyed me from head to toe with a look like she's not believing that I am the one who she's meeting with. 

"Good Morning, I am Lalisa Manoban. I'm sorry I am late something just happened while I'm on way here. I hope we can still continue the meeting. I really am sorry" I said hoping that the meeting will still happen. Because I really need to get this deal.

But instead, she turn around wanting to leave.

Just as her about to leave, someone beside her stop her and told her that we should continue the meeting since we are all here.

She just rolled her eyes and sit lazily.

"Go, start." she said with her bored already tone.

I have an idea already that she's this strict, cold, and hard to please when it comes to business matter as what I have heard ever since I start to build my small business in this country. And I am new here in this country.

Then I start discussing my proposal to them. I'm glad they still listen to my proposal because they are just looking at me not interrupting  me until I'm done discussing. And at last I just finished talking and proud of myself because I didn't feel nervous and stuttered. I finally release the breathe I am holding.

"Thank you for listening to my proposal, if you have questions feel free to ask me." I said smiling at them because I am really thankful that they still continue the meeting and listen to my proposal. 

"Okay, for me, I really like your coffee shop since I do remember that I went to your shop already. And I am really impressed the first time I went there the pastries, food and especially the coffee. If I am not mistaken you do have foods like main dishes, pasta, and salads right?" Ms. Seulgi said and asked me move her chair again to face me. 

"Ah yes, It's not just a cafe but also a casual dining. And thank you for complimenting my cafe Ms. Kang." I replied and bow my head as I am really thankful.

"No worries Ms. Manoban you're cafe is really good. But the last decision will be coming from her skillful mouth." Ms. Kang said then chuckled a bit at the end then receive as smack at back of her head from the CEO, Ms. Kim.

"I admit I am impressed too but I need to restudy your proposal first may I need 2-3 days is that okay? Then I'll just message you our next meeting for my decision." Ms. Kim said while looking at me with no expression she's just looking at me straightly. But before I can reply Ms. Kang talk already. 

"Isn't your secretary's job to contact her? or maybe you just want to talk to her?" Ms. Kang said teasingly to Ms. Kim with her playful smile while wiggling her eyebrows. 

" Shut up Kang or I'll force Irene to divorce you!" Ms. Kim said a bit loud looking angry with Ms. Kang and Ms. Irene just laugh at them. "Don't mind them they're always like that even when they're at the meeting" Ms. Irene said to me. "It's fine Ms. Irene no worries." I replied waving my hand then smile at her. She's really pretty oh God.

"Just wait for the call." Ms. Kim said as she stands up then walk straight to the door without looking at us then went out. And her secretary followed her after saying her goodbye to me.

"We're sory about that she's just like that but I'll assure you our next meeting we will ne business partners already." Ms. Kang said then shake my hand same with her wife, Ms. Irene. 

"Thank you again." I replied smiling at them then bow.

Then we all went out of the room after bidding our goodbyes to each other. And I went home instead of going to my office in my cafe.

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