Part 55

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Jennie's POV

It's been month since Lisa and Liam got discharge from the hospital. They both have therapy from psychiatrist every other day for a month. Lisa's nightmare hasn't stop but it's not everynight like the first week since she woke up. Liam had been quiet for 2 weeks, he doesn't talk to anyone but me and Lisa. He doesn't want us to lose his sight for that time and always cry whenever he doesn't see us. But now he's doing good but still sleep with us. The doctor said to continue the therapy but once a week.

Lisa decided to go back to work since she's okay now and she's needed to the her business. She also told me that she's already used to it ever since her life started to feel like hell. Maybe the abduction just triggered her anxiety and panic attacks. Nightmares are also normal for her as she said. Even if I don't want to her to go back to work because she's pregnant. Her OB-GYN told us that the baby is already healthy and safe and she can go back to work but less her stress. She uses that OB card to me so I have no choice but to let her go back to work. We made a deal that I will let her work but until her 7 months pregnancy and I will hire a bodyguard for her and she agreed.

Lisa and I decided for Liam to stay home school until the school year ends. Liam is still uncomfortable going outside our house. We even tried to take him out for a dinner but it ended worst. He almost passed out when he saw a lot of people inside the restaurant. The psychiatrist said he must felt unsafe and suffocated when he entered an unfamiliar place since he got abducted and locked in a room. So from then we didn't even try to take him out of the house. And now he's starting to warm up to people again but only to my friends, dana and my parents. When dana visits him, he will play with her but he won't talk a lot like before but alteast he's playing with her again. The doctor said it's a good progress.

Well, for Lisa's parents, she hasn't talk to them until now. She got shocked and scared that time when she saw her parents in her hospital room that made her panic attacked that we needed to use a tranquilizer again. From then, I talked to her parents that give Lisa some time and I will talk to her and explain what her parents want. They flew back to their hometown and I told them that I will call them if Lisa wants to talk to them already.

"Love." Lisa called me standing beside me. I am facing my laptop working inside our room on my small office table that I set up. I am working in our house now ever since they got discharge from the hospital.

"Yes, love?" I replied smiling at her and move my swivel chair facing her. I put my hands on her waist and kiss her baby bump.

"I want some ice cream." She smiled at me like Liam. Well her cravings these past few days are totally weird and some of them are hard to find but I still did it anyway. And thank God, she just want ice cream.

"But love, the doctor told us to lessen your sweet intake. You're pregnant and you're prone to have diabetes." I told her what her doctor told us. And the possibility of the baby to become big.

"Please, love? Just one cup." She look at me with the same puppy eyes of Liam. They're really a mother and son.

"Okay but this is the last, okay?" I said then she pecked my lips and smiled widely. "I'll get you some downstairs, wait for me." I added as I stand up then she hug me and look at me while smiling so familiar to me. O-oh, I know this smile. God, don't make this so hard this time.

"Love." She smiled innocently to me. Here comes her weird cravings for today. I thought it will stop when she enters her second trimester, as her doctor said but I think it won't.

"Love, tell me already so I can get it for you right away. Hmm?" I said the kiss her forehead.

"I want ice cream." She replied. Inwas about to talk. "But tomato flavor." She added smiling so widely and cutely.

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