Rules/Request page(CLOSED)

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Okay, so awhile back in September 2020, I had my old account deleted on accident and I decided I finally wanted to write stories again. So here we are I guess. Welcome to my mess of a one shot book. All art featured will be by me unless otherwise stated.

I can write TMNT 2012, TMNT 2003, TMNT 2007, Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, or TMNT 2014/2016(Bayverse). I mostly do x readers or non romantic in world stuff, but I don't mind doing other things, like if you just want a Vampire character x reader(or vice versa), I can do that too. I don't care too much. I do have a few rules though.

-No pedophilia. I realize the characters are mostly minors. I will either be aging them up or keeping it as is with an appropriately aged reader, or it will be a platonic relationship like friends or mentors if you want an age gap. I have done parental relationships in the past so those can be done as well.

-I will NOT write NSFW, incest, child x adult(unless platonic), oc x character, character x character, abuse(can be mentioned), or SA(very BREIFLY mention). Please don't cross my boundaries.

-Don't hate on other people in the comments. Say whatever you want about me and my opinions or writing because I don't care, but don't be rude to others. Please don't be mean towards anyone. You can make fun of or yell at me all you want, but don't be a jerk to everyone else.

-No OC's.

-Reader will almost always have gender neutral pronouns, but if I'm in a good mood, I might do gendered labels(boyfriend, girlfriend, etc). Most likely not though.


-I can write, angst, fluff, yandere, romantic, platonic, and AU's.

-You can request up to 5 people in a fic/headcanon. If it gets too many, I start to struggle and then no one will be happy. if you request more than 5, someone's getting cut.(More than 2 will most likely be made into headcanons as they're quicker.)

-If not stated outright, I will decide whether it's in headcanons or fic format. Please be specific if you want it a certain way

-Don't be scared to request. I love getting requests from y'all.

-I don't mind dark stuff or horror. I might cut down because it's public, but I will try to keep it as close to your request as possible.

-PLEASE BE SPECIFIC. DON'T JUST SAY "_____ X READER", THAT MEANS NOTHING TO ME. If you're stuck, just give me a verb, or look through my prompt list, but please don't just say someone x reader.

-Please don't request certain body types. I don't want to write about a skinny reader, or a chubby reader, or a reader with curly hair blah blah blah. It's really hard for me to think of ideas for it, and there's already hundreds of fics out there like that.

-I reserve the right to refuse any request, and can silently delete a request if I deem it necessary/just because I want to.

-If you feel your request is taking too long, message me or make a comment. I'll reply as soon as I can.

Everything else is more or less fair game. Once again, I mostly write x readers or non romantic stuff, that is what I prefer, so I will be a bit more open to those, but I don't mind doing other things. Honestly, as long as it doesn't go against any of the boundaries I have placed, I'll most likely do any request I get. Also, If you see a mistake, please point it out. I've always hated spelling errors, and it drives me insane if I'm the one who makes them. Reader will be using gender neutral pronouns. I want everyone to be able to read these. Requests will just about always be open.


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