Safe(Rise! Donnie x Reader)

679 13 1

My footsteps thud against the ground as I run, my breathing erratic. I push past the people on the sidewalk, strangers shouting behind me. I ignore them all and keep my vision set on the ground in front of me. I glance up, scanning the rooftops around me. One head. Then eight. Twelve.

I curse, running faster. The foot ninja continue to follow me, their black costumes a stark contrast to the twilight background of the sky. I turn down an alley, skidding across the ground. My calves burned and my lungs ached. I glance up again, my eyes meeting one of the ninjas.

I keep running.

Stupid foot clan with their stupid vendetta against the turtles. I couldn't help but feel a bit bitter it was me they were going after, I had only just started training.

I grit my teeth as I stumble over a crack in the sidewalk, my arms flailing as I attempt to gain my balance. I turn to keep myself steady, my eyes widening as a chain flies by my head. I freeze for a second. That could have killed me. My mind kicks on high alert as another pair of raid footsteps sounds behind me, and I dash off once more.

I bring my wrist to my mouth, clicking on the communicator Donatello gave me. "Hey, not to rush you love, but they are now trying to KILL ME!"

I dodge a thrown knife as I hear the communicator buzz for a moment before Donnie's voice sounds through. "Keep running. I'm almost there, I promise. Please, I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Donnie! I don't mean to rush you, but faster!" I shout into the mic. I glance up, barely dodging the wall in front of me. I veer to the side, panting. I slip into another open alley in an attempt to lose them, muttering curses under my breath. Another chain flies by my head and wraps around the dumpster handle it attached to on impact. I look up at the rooftops, laughing despite my situation.

"Hah, you missed!" I continue to gloat to myself for another moment as I run. Maybe I wasn't too bad at this after all. The world stops for a moment as I feel a hard surface wrap around my legs, bringing me to the floor. I use my arms to brace my fall, skinning my palms, legs, and arms as I crash. My chest hits the floor, all air escaping my lungs as I sit there for a moment. My mind spun and my eyes water from the impact.

Everything around me is spinning as I try to regain awareness. Footsteps and sounds of fighting sound around me and the world slowly moves back into clarity. I blink, trying to stand up but fall back down when I can't move my legs. I turn over, scanning the chain wrapped around my lower body before scrambling to get it off, not paying attention to my surroundings.

A loud thud sounds in front of me and I look up, my jaw hanging. One of the foot ninjas was laying face down on the pavement in front of me, having just fallen off the roof above. Donnie soon jumps down as well, landing on the soldier before they pop, paper confetti floating through the air. Donnie looks down at the ground for a moment, a look of small surprise on his face. "Huh, didn't realize that one was paper."

I slide the rest of the chain off, standing up as Donnie walks forward, his Bō staff retired to its holder on his battle shell. Donnie pulls me into a tight hug, his muscles tense as he holds me against his plastron. "I apologize for not arriving sooner, I came as fast as I could."

I sigh, leaning into Donnie. "You came at just the right time, thank you."

Donnie holds me against him for a moment, rocking us back and forth. I let him, just leaning onto him as I try to calm my racing heart. The adrenaline slowly drains from my body as I relax, Donnie's hold making me feel safe. His muscles were still tense, his own paranoia and worry yet to subside. It was understandable. One second later and I would've been caught.

"You got hurt."

I look up at Donnie before glancing down, the skin of my arms and legs raw from my crash down to the concrete. They didn't hurt much now, but they would definitely be bruised later. It wasn't too bad considering how everything could have gone. "I'm fine, Dee. It's just a few scrapes."

Donnie shakes his head, tsking his tongue at me. "Absolutely not. I'm taking you back to the lair to get you patched up. I'm not leaving you like this."

I look down at my injuries again, shrugging. It would make Donnie feel better, plus, letting him play doctor was funny. I was a bit worried about tracking through the sewers with semi-open wounds, but it would be fine. Probably. "Sure. That sounds good."

Donnie kisses my temple before gently grabbing my wrist, leading me towards the nearest sewer opening. I trail behind, listening contently as he babbles on about different inventions and such. Despite everything, today was turning out pretty fine.


Words: 886

Posted: 07.25.23

Prompt(s) requested: 18(A soft kiss) & 9("You missed.")

Request: prompt 18 with verbal 9 for rottmnt donnie

A/N, not important: Ahahaha, friendly reminder I'm really bad at action/fight scenes. I didn't mean to make it so short. Sorry, I just really didn't want it to be the cliché kiss on cheek you missed type story... Oh well. My writing's getting worse, and I'm sorry. I only have two more of the special to do, and then I'm home free. Uh, requests will probably be closed for a long time. Hate. I can't do it anymore. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.

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