Ruined Relations(2012 Mikey x Foot!Reader)

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The lone foot soldier ran across the rooftops, scanning for its target. Their feet were quiet as they slinked through the shadows, keeping an eye out for any enemies, or any of their own comrades. Spotting the lone turtle sitting on the edge of a nearby building, the soldier jumps down to the adjacent roof. The orange masked turtle doesn't glance their way, seemingly too distracted by the pigeons he was watching fight on the other rooftop. The soldier walks behind him, a knife being pulled out of the confines of their belt. Kneeling quietly behind the oblivious turtle, the soldier wraps one arm around his waist, pinning his arms to his sides. The soldier takes the knife and holds it in front of the turtle, allowing him to see the blade.

"Hey Mikey! I got you something!" The soldier says as Mikey leans back in their arms. Mikey grins at them, his arms easily escaping the soldier's grip as he reaches up to hold the ornate blade. The soldier hands it to him, slipping their bug-eyed mask off and sitting next to the orange-banded turtle. They were still held together, still cuddling on the rooftop as the mutant inspects the gifted blade. He flips it in his hands, smiles wide and toothy. The soldier leans their now unmasked head on his shoulder, looking at his excitement through soft eyes.

"Dude, this is sick! Where'd you get it?" He asks, meeting the foot clan members' eyes. His blue eyes shine with wonder, grinning at the person who was holding him gently. The black clad ninja grinned, shifting so they could grab the handle of the knife. They hold it gently, not taking it out of Mikey's hand, just touching it before they open their mouth to talk.

"I may have stolen it from the armory. But it's fine, who cares. It's just a dumb blade. They'll never miss it." The soldier states, shrugging. Mikey looks at the blade again, hugging it to his plastron carefully. He grins at his partner, his feet kicking in the air as they sit on the ledge of the building.

"It's the coolest thing like, ever! Thank you!" His eyes were nothing short of sparkling, leaning back carelessly as he held the knife arm's length in front of him. He never stopped grinning. "Did you work on your nunchuck skills any?"

The soldier grimaces slightly, seeming guilty. Mikey looks at them, his chin on their shoulder and his eyes wide. "I may have uh... Not." The soldier says, pulling their shoulders to their ears in guilt. "Sorry Mikey, the Foot's been working me to the bone. I meant to practice. Honest."

Mikey pouts, his head rolling off their shoulder. He looks at the foot clan member in mock disappointment, groaning obnoxiously. The foot soldier laughs, their hand coming up to hide their chuckles and cover their mouth. "I'm sorry, I really am. But, in good news, I got a lot of information to tell you."

Mikey perks up a bit at this, still pouting. "Fine," His voice draws out the word, pulling the human who should be his enemy into a tight embrace, one they accept with open arms. "I'll just teach you again today. Do you have the stuff written down, or can we play the memorization game again?"

The soldier pulls a folded piece of paper out of the pockets within their sash, handing it over. Mikey hums happily, taking the paper and starting to open it, neither ninja letting go of the other. The foot warrior takes the turtle's hand as he tries to open the paper and keeps it closed, smiling softly at the short mutant. "You said you wanted to play the game, yeah? Well, we can play the memory game and just have the notes as back up."

Mikey grins, letting go of the human to look at the folded paper and grinning as he puts it away in his sash without reading it. The soldier grins back, folding one foot under their other thigh and dangling a single leg over the edge. Mikey sits across from them, his legs crossed and his hands in his lap. He's patting his ankles erratically, practically buzzing with anticipation. The soldier grins and starts to recite some of the information they gathered for Mikey to repeat, but they stop when they see Mikey's sudden scared face. Following the mutants' horrified gaze, they spot three other turtle mutants standing on the other side of the roof. Each had their weapons drawn, their eyes white and faces furious. The red one snarls, quickly stomping over to the sitting soldier. "Get away from my brother!"

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