Yan!Rottmnt find you sleeping in their bed

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Tw: watching you sleep, implied kidnapping, yandere themes, Raph overthinking and slight babying, unconsentual touching(nonsexual)


-He's surprised at first.

-You've been fighting him on this for so long, despite him trying to reason with you. You hadn't even touched his bed of your own volition so far.

-And yet here you were, curled up in between pillows and blankets and the small rabbit stuffie Mikey had given you when he first met you.

-He doesn't touch you at first, opting to silently watch from a distance.

-Has the biggest grin on his face as he coos at your sleeping figure, admiring you.

-In his mind, this was a step forward to you accepting him, to you loving him.

-Depending on the time of day and what Mikey was doing/how important it is, he'll either get in bed with you and cuddle you while trying not to wake you, or he'll sit on his desk and watch you as he draws.

-Mikey hushes anyone who walks by, making sure his loud brothers don't disturb you.

-Until he wants your attention.

-Then you're getting dragged out of bed, an excited Mikey holding you in his arms.

-You can always sleep later, after all, you obviously don't care about sleeping in his bed anymore.

-Don't fight it, he knows you better than you know yourself.



-Knew about it as soon as you fell asleep.

-Is a bit miffed, especially if you didn't wash before getting into his bed. He's big on cleanliness, and will not stand for you making his bed all gross. He has to sleep there too, you know.

-If you didn't wash up first, he wakes you up and makes you go take a shower/bath first, taking the sheets to be cleaned and replacing them with spares as you do so. Drags you back to bed once you're done, you don't get a choice now. Plus, if you're so eager to sleep in his bed dirty, you'd enjoy it even better now that you're clean.

-If you were already clean, he leaves you be for now, having SHELLDON keep an eye on you to make sure nothing goes wrong while you sleep if he's too busy to do it himself.

-If he can spare the time however, he goes into his room and sits at his desk, being able to work while still being near you.

-If he's done with his work and is feeling up to it, he's crawling in with you, collapsing on top of you and using you as his pillow. You're soft and warm, you should've expected this to happen.

-Gets pissy if you fight back, considering you most likely awoke when he flopped on top of you.

-You should be grateful he's showing you such kindness, he can alway make you sleep on the floor.

-Overall, he is quite indifferent about it. He doesn't need you to sleep in his bed by your own volition, he can always just make you. Thinks nothing of it as you should be doing so anyway.



-Very pleased with you.

-Seeing you sleeping under the covers of his bed of your own volition, just as he wanted you too was so comforting to him. He almost melted at the sight of you surrounded by his various plushies, one of the bears being held in your arms.

-The problem lies with his anxiety, however.

-You are currently in his bed, alone. If he leaves, you could get hurt. What if a plush falls on your face and suffocates you in your sleep? What if he leaves and you roll off the bed, breaking your neck? What if you have a nightmare, and he's not here to comfort you?

-Despite what he was doing prior, he drops it to watch over you, not trusting you to be safe on your own as you sleep. There were too many things that could go wrong, too many variables that could lead to your suffering.

-No, he had to stay with you, to protect you.

-It's what he's here for after all.

-He tries to stay away for as long as he can hold out, watching you from the opposite end of his room as he sits on the floor, just silently staring.

-If it gets too much for him, seeing you there all cozy paired with the worry he has for you, he'd crawl into bed with you. He tries his best to not wake you up, simply depositing your body on his plastron as his arms wrap around you.

-Freaks out if he wakes you up by accident, shushing you and trying to coax you back to sleep. You need your sleep after all.


-This man's ego raises so high, you have no idea. Is incredibly smug for the rest of the day(unless you do something wrong after you wake up).

-See's this as a win, thinks you're finally giving in to him. Takes a photo to commemorate the memory before walking over to you.

-Depending on his mood, he'll either slip into bed with you, or sit on the bed next to you and just watch you while you sleep, enjoying this small step towards your reciprocating love.

-No matter what, he drops whatever he's doing to stay near you, not caring how much his brothers fuss at him.

-If he slips into bed with you, he's full on wrapping his arms around you and clinging to you like he's never felt the touch of a lover before. Absolutely milks it.

-If you wake up from his movements, he just shushes your complaints, refusing to let you go now that he's with you.

-You're the one who was here first, why do you want to leave now?

-Is very proud he's finally making some progress, he knew you'd come around.


Words: 961

Posted: 04.21.23

A/N, not important: Told you I'd get out more this week. I figured out a system to (hopefully)stop me from burning out as quick. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.

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