ROTTMNT HC w/ S/O who sneezes a lot

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-After his initial worry and you explaining it's just something that happens, he just accepts it as a part of you.

-He still keeps tissues on him, of course. He's a considerate boyfriend, but he doesn't bring much attention to it.

-He's gotten so used to it after a while, he almost stops noticing it.

-Unless you have a particularly odd/funny sneeze.

-Then he'll react accordingly for a couple seconds, and then continue on with what you both were doing.


-Doesn't believe you that you're not sick or have allergies.

-Is constantly trying to figure out a way to help you.

-Makes his room and lab a dust free zone, keeps potential allergens away and is constantly checking over you.

-Keeps a tissue box in his battle shell, ready to offer you one if needed.

-Hand sanitizer is also a constant. He even shares his own personal stash with you.

-Once he's known you for a while, he gets more used to it.

-It still puts him off, but he no longer hounds you about possible illnesses or the current pollen count.

-Makes you a little tissue holder you can clip to a belt or your pants's waistline.

-Catches stuff if you drop it reflexively when you sneeze. His robot arms from his battle shells have a fast reaction time.


-Is pretty worried at first.

-Wonders if you have a cold, or if you're just constantly sick.

-Tries his best to keep tissues on him at all times.

-Constantly frets about your health or wellbeing.

-If you have some sort of medicine that helps, and it's easy to get a hold of, Raph will keep some at the lair for you.

-Once you explain how it's just a part of you, and not a sign of sickness or allergies, Raph calms down a bit.

-He finds it cute after a while, smiling while he passes you the small packet of tissues he keeps in his belt.

-He eventually fully relaxes about your constant sneezing, and just silently adores it.

-It's just another thing that makes you, you. What's not to love?


-Aww, how adorable.

-Your sneezes are so goofy to him, just a part of your charm.

-He likes to mimic your sneezes after they happen to annoy you.

-Especially if it gets you to laugh.

-Keeps tissues in his little belt pouch for you, as well as hand sanitizer in case you need it.

-Gets a bit upset if you plug your nose when you sneeze, and informs you on the dangers of it.

-He knows he can't make you stop, but it still worries him.


Words: 442

Posted: 05/15/23

Request- Yes, Uuueehhhh hi? Sorry this feels weird since I've never done a request to anybody before sooo on with this. How would the Rottmnt boys react if they had an s/o who sneezes a lot out but not because of allergies it's just a natural thing, but BONUS if said s/o sneezes like a cat so it will just be small sneezes after another.

A/N, not important: I'm so sorry for the wait and the poor quality. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.

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