Yan!Rottmnt! w/ S/O That Sings to Cope

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Possible TW's: Themes of being kidnapped, obsessive behavior, isolation(Donnie), yandere themes, coping mechanisms, my writing


-Is intrigued.

-Will usually try and hang around while you're singing, finding your voice soothing. Even if you sound like a screaming goat, he still loves it. You're perfect, and so is your voice.

-Encourages it as well.

-Not only does he love to hear you sing, but he also recognizes it as a healthier coping mechanism.

-When you're singing, even if it's a really sad song, you're not really fighting him or using some destructive coping mechanism.

-Has you sing while he draws. Feels it brings you both closer together, the both of you making a form of art. Yours just happens to be intangible.

-Records it when he can and shows off your singing to his brothers.

-Is very proud of you and your talent

-Pretends it's not a trauma response/a coping mechanism.

-He is well aware that it is, but he likes to pretend it isn't


-Either sits you in his lab with him, or records you while you sing in his room.

-Since those are the two main places you're going to be, he's able to almost always listen.

-Plays the tapes of you singing when you are either refusing to speak to him, or he's punishing you via isolation and is unable to listen to you in person.

-If you sing more musical style songs, he will 100% try to duet with you, especially if it's a love song.

-Will just tell you to sing sometimes. If he gets overwhelmed, and needs some form of stimulation, he goes to you and just sits in front of you and demands you to sing.

-Gets incredibly huffy if you refuse.

-On the flip side, he can also get extremely irritated if you're singing for too long or if it's distracting him or something.

-Will demand you either shut up or make you go into your little isolation room to sing since it's soundproof.


-Just a friendly reminder for Raph's before I get yelled at. You might not actually be smaller than him, or weaker than him, but he very much sees you that way.

-Anyways, he finds it cute that you sing to deal with your stress.

-You're already so fragile and weak, but you sing to cope too?

-Now that's just plain adorable.

-It's just proof that you need him. Your mind is too feeble to deal with the stress head on.

-You need him to take care of you, and he's happy to listen to your little performances.

-Will scoop you into his arms(or drag you towards him if you're bigger) and hold you tight, having you sing away while you're stuck with him.

-Doesn't understand why you stopped singing after he grabbed you.-

-He's only helping after all.


-Sits criss-cross applesauce in front of you as you sing.

-Very much appreciates and likes it.

-Mikey mentioned offhandedly it being your coping mechanism, and Leo thought it was a really pretty one.

-Begs Donnie to figure out how to cleanly record your voice without you knowing.

-He wanted to listen to you sing while he's on patrol or in battle.

-Like Donnie, would try his best to sing along.

-Or hum along since he doesn't want to disrupt you too much.

-Usually drops what he's doing to come listen to you, gives you all his attention.

-It's unnerving, but he doesn't want to miss a single moment with you.

-Especially not when he finds your voice such a gift.

-Has you sing before you both go to sleep, likes to pull you close to his chest and bury his face into your neck as you do so. Is incredibly conflicted, he wants to show off your voice to his brothers, but at the same time, he wants to be the only one to be able to hear you.


Words: 639

Posted: 05.08.23

Requested: Yes - may I request a post about the yandere turtles reacting to or interacting with a s/o who copes with the stress of their kidnapping by singing? The songs I think of would be like musical style songs like ballads that really convict emotions.

A/N, not important:  I'm trying to push out as many as I can because I want to clean out my inbox before I post the 100/200 follower special(For tumblr). It's impressive how fast these can go once I stop being such a lazy prick. Posts are probbles gonna be a bit shorter for a while, my apologies. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.

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