Yandere ROTTMNT Headcanons when 'darling' has a crush

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Full Title: How Yandere ROTTMNT would react to the person they like having a crush on someone else

CW: Stalking, jealousy, yandere behavior, murder, phone tapping, obstruction of privacy, tampering with messages, dark themes


-You having this crush puts a crack in his perfect world view of you and him. He'd always thought that because he was obviously the one for you, you'd never stray from his side. Finding out about the person you admire makes him cranky and more clingy, his jealousy growing.

-He's in constant denial of your crush. You're obviously in love with him, this is just a stupid puppy love that won't last a week.

-Despite hating hearing about it, he'll be the one who offers to give you advice and such with your crush, constantly talking them down and trying to make you see them in a negative light. He'll bring up their every fault and make things up to get you to hate them. He just wants you to see how obviously awful they are for you, digging down and trying to get rid of them in your mind.

-Hang outs increase tenfold. He's always wanting you to come over now and spend time with him instead of your friends or your crush. He'll do everything to win you over, showering you with gifts and compliments. He'll try to slide in little comments of how good he is with you, hoping to make you love him instead.

-He's much more reluctant to let you leave, always trying to come with reasons for you to stay by his side for as long as possible. He'll insist on going everywhere with you, following you from the rooftops wherever you go. He's terrified of your crush or you making a move while he isn't watching.

-If it comes down to it, he'll visit your crush himself. He'll threaten them first, but if they don't back off, he'll get rid of them. He's always happy to let you lean on his shoulder while you cry. He can't wait to comfort you now that they're finally gone.


-Absolutely furious at the notion. If he doesn't kidnap you right off the bat, he'll immediately start to try and steer you away from them. He'll dig up dirt and hack their phone to plant evidence of them being awful.

-If he's able to hack into their messages and such, he'll send you hurtful messages from their accounts to drive a wedge between the two of you. He's happy to help comfort you after you receive the 'hate' from your crush.

-Deletes any apologies or meets ups from your phone and your crushes, making sure neither of you could ever make plans or apologize over text.

-Starts talking himself up more when around you, stringing in little spiteful comments towards your crush in every conversation. After he makes you small trinkets or fixes your phone, he'll be smug and compare himself to your crush.

-Starts watching you more intently, not even letting up when you're at school. He'll text you more during the day so your mind stays on him.

-If the crush persists longer than Donnie can handle, he'll just kill your crush or kidnap you. Maybe even both if your admiration for them is strong enough.

-He doesn't trust you around others anymore, wanting to keep you safe by his side and away from any others that might 'corrupt your mind'.


-Is terrified and very angry.

-He's afraid this possibly dangerous stranger is taking you away from him, his anger towards your crush growing every time their name leaves your mouth or you get the spaced out love look when you think of them.

-Your crush quickly becomes enemy number one in his mind. Everything that goes wrong, Raph blames them. You had a bad day? Crush's fault. You can't hang out because of homework? Your crush must've distracted you in class when you usually finish it. Everything and anything becomes their wrong-doing.

-Raph's the quickest to jump to killing them, his anger building as the delusion that they caused everything wrong in the world grows. He wants to get rid of them as soon as possible, the idea of them alive and in your life boiling his blood. Raph's self-appointed job is to protect you, and if you're off with someone who obviously causes you so much pain, the simple solution is to get rid of them.

-Raph babies you for a while after he gets rid of your crush, slowly keeping you at the lair more and more before not letting you leave. You're safer with him, after all. He can't risk you falling in love with someone other than himself again.


-Tries to play it cool. Leo doesn't get angry often, but this alone makes him heated. He feels betrayed by you, that your diverting love is a personal attack to him. He doesn't care that you weren't in love with him beforehand, you're his.

-He's upset with you for choosing someone over him. He thought you loved him, even if it wasn't as much as he loved you.

-He becomes a lot more clingy with you, holding you close and trying to spend as much time with you as possible in hopes you'll forget your crush.

-Deletes them from your phone and constantly blocks them whenever he can. He doesn't want you talking with them, and guilt trips you whenever you blow him off to hang out with your crush or someone else instead.

-He'll grumble about it for days before deciding what to do. He's getting rid of your crush no matter what, but how he wants to do it depends entirely on how in love with them you are.

-Keeps you close to him and pretends to be interested in your crush, wanting to get as much information on the person who won over your affections.

-Kidnaps you as soon as he gets rid of your crush. He won't even wait to wash the blood off his hands before bringing you home and setting you up in his room. He hates sharing your love, and refuses to wait long enough to let them win over your heart even more. You'll forgive him one day, he's sure of it, but as long as he has you in his arms he doesn't care.


Words: 1027

Posted: 12/22/23

Request: How do you think the yan turtles would react to the person they like having a crush on someone else?

A/N, not important: Sorry for not posting last week, I'm a bit swamped right now. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.

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