With Bated Breath(Yandere!Rise! Raph x Reader)

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The lights were dim in Raph's room, the blankets piled high. He watches his captive sleep soundly, their chest rising peacefully as they rest. Raph shifts in his seat, his hands clenched together. The pipes outside his little train car creak, the sound of his brother's laughter reverberating around the subway station the Hamato's claimed as their home. His gaze falls on the sleeping human once more, Raph's eyebrow muscles furrowing.

They were supposed to wake up over an hour ago.

Raph grumbles slightly, his leg bouncing up and down erratically. He never should have agreed to take that test drug from Donnie. Sure, it was easy, but was waiting here like this worth it? Raph's face contorts into a worried frown, his chasm deepening. He needs them awake. Now.

He carefully moves his hand to their face, rubbing their cheek in an attempt to encourage them to wake. Raph's breathing was almost non-existent, his chest still despite the captive's constant rise and fall. His head falls a bit as he pulls back from them, slumping in his chair. Raph closes his eyes, his foot still drumming into the floor with its constant bounce.

Having them in front of him while they lay peacefully on his bed is driving Raph to the edge. He wanted them awake, safe. The thought of the drugs making them slip into a coma was terrorizing him. He opens his eyes again, once more scanning their body for any oddities. Raph shifts the blankets around his captive, flipping them onto their back once more. Raph would cut off his hand before letting them suffocate.

The chair creaks when Raph shifts, his fired nerves making it impossible for him to hold still. He keeps his eyes trained on their chest, making sure it keeps rising. Up, then down. Over and over it rose and fell, driving Raph's worries away. The consistency calmed his mind and soothed his worries, successfully maintaining Raph's air of calm. He was still worried about the drug pumping through their veins, but it would be okay. Everything could be fixed, as long as their chest still rose.

An almost euphoric jolt of emotion rushes through Raph when he watches their face twitch, the muscles spasming as they fight to wake. A yawn escapes their lips while their eyes flutter open, Raph leaning forward in his seat. The human looks at the snapper with cloudy eyes, their face painted into confusion as they take in their surroundings. Raph's room was nothing overly impressive, but it was the humans' new home. Raph would make sure they were comfortable, protected. They would have everything they need.

Raph helps his victim sit up, murmuring soft words of encouragement all the while. He doesn't want them to move too fast lest they pass out. The stolen human wipes at their eyes as they try to clear their vision. They could barely see Raph, the gunk in their eyes and the dim lights making it difficult for them to make out any shapes. Raph can pinpoint the moment their eyes focus, able to tell by the way their face scrunches in displeasure.

"Good morning." Raph says gently, a small smile now on his face. He could feel his worries melt away now that they were awake. He watches them closely, taking in every feature and every movement. They were perfect, as always. "I was worried. You weren't waking up."

"You drugged me." The human hiss out, pulling their knees to their chest. They balance on the balls of their feet, acting as if they were getting ready to bolt.

Raph sighs at their words, rubbing the back of his head. He looks conflicted, a flash of pain rippling over his features. "I did, but you refused to cooperate. I was only doing what was necessary."

"Necessary? How is any of this necessary!? You drugged me!" Raph winces at the way they screech out the words, their voice loud and carrying weight. The mutant fiddles with his fingers, unsure how to go about this. He didn't want them to be upset, but he didn't know how to explain it to them. How could he get them to understand how much he loved them?

Raph gently takes their hands in his, squeezing them comfortingly. "I love you, and this was just a small sacrifice to bring you home. Everything worked out, so it's okay. I can keep you safe now."

Raph holds onto their hands still, rubbing his thumb over their palms. They were so much smaller, so much weaker than him. His hands squeeze theirs, the giant snapper minding his strength. A thought flashes through his mind, one of crushing the hands he was holding. His face hardens a bit. He would never do such a thing, not to one a dear as the person in front of him at least. They were his to protect, his to care for. He would never hurt them if he could help it.

"Ugh, stop being so sappy. You're making me gag." Their snarky voice knocks him out of his thoughts, his eyes staring into theirs. He ignores the way they're attempting to pull their hands back, his grip tightening ever so slightly. Their words shake his resolve the smallest bit, his heart panging. They didn't even know how good they had it, so spoiled. It was okay though. Raph was here for them.

"You're going to be happy here. Raph can keep you safe." He says, sounding like a broken record. Raph rolls his shoulders and straightens his back. He voices his thoughts as if they were fact, his certainty of his ability to keep them safe and happy clear. The large mutant eyes their face, they way it pulls into a small look of disgust, the corners of their mouth pulled down. Raph tries to ignore the pang in his heart that comes with being faced with that look. He just wanted them to love him back, to be safe and happy in his arms. He gazes back at their chest, the rise and fall with each breath soothing his nerves. "It's all going to be okay."

They try to pull their hands back once more and a small growl sounds from Raph's chest. Raph shoots his captive a harsh glare, not letting them move away from him. He was here to protect them. Raph couldn't fathom why they seemed so upset. In his mind, taking them here was a harsh but necessary action. It was to keep them safe.

Raph looks down at them, scanning the way they moved. Their smaller form is hunched in on itself, their eyes glaring at Raph with a fiery passion. He frowns. This wasn't what he wanted at all. Having his love hate him, despise him. How was he going to protect someone who flinched at his touch? Raph's face hardens a bit as he yanks his captive towards him. They yelp as they crash into his hard plastron, Raph's big arms wrapping around them to keep them there. His eyes scan the wall in front of him, trying to think. He ignores the muffled protests sounding from the stuck human, not caring to hear what they were saying.

The feeling of their chest expanding made Raph squeeze them all the more. The beat of their heart was moving against Raph's, both thumping in their own independent rhythm. Raph would find a way to gain their love, to gain their breath, to gain their heart. He was certain he could eventually. All he has to do is wait.


Words: 1265

Posted: 07.10.23

Prompts(s) requested: 23(Holding Hands) & 18("Stop being sappy. you're making me gag.")

Request: May I have one action 23 and 1 verbal 18? If it's possible, I'd like MC to be the one saying the verbal 18 prompt with Rottmnt Raphael! You can make it yandere if you'd like, either way works for me because I like the idea of Mc not wanting to be so sappy and soft with him, and he's simply just holding MC's hand and wanting to be soft with them ❤️ please take your time and know me and Yanteetle love your work! ❤️

A/n: I'll try and get more out soon, sorry for being so inactive! Sorry it's shorter, I was running out of steam. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.

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