Movie Magic(Rise! Mikey x Reader)

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Mikey grinned at you, excitement in his words as he rattled off his plan, barely able to keep his heels on the ground as he bounced back and forth. You listen intently, smiling fondly at the exuberant turtle. While his idea on how to break into the movies sounded exciting, it was barely practical and probably one of the most illegal ideas he's had in a while. Unless you were able to magically know everything about stealth and ninja training, you were sure to get caught. Despite the glaring problems with the plan, you wait for him to finish his spiel, his eyes bright and eager about his scheme.

"What do you think?" He breathes out, barely able to stay even relatively still. He was bouncing from heel to heel, wanting nothing more than for you to agree and get the plan started. You stay quiet for a moment, trying to think on how to best break it to him. His plan was dangerous, and there was no way you'd be able to go through with it without something bad happening to either of you. As much as you hated to admit it, it was a dud, plain and simple.

"Well," You start, wincing as he leans forwards to hear your thoughts. You shift uncomfortably, knowing how much it sucked to be told your ideas weren't viable, but going with his plan was a surefire way to getting you arrested and forced to spend the night in the slammer. "I'm not sure we could make it work, Mikey."

Mikey deflates at your statement, pouting heavily as he sits down on his hammock. You shift on your chair, feeling bad for shutting him down, but knowing it was for the best. You get up to pull him into a hug, hoping to make him feel at least the smallest bit better. "You know, it's not a bad plan, just one that would work better if we were hunting villains rather than trying to sneak into a theater."

He groans and buries his face into your shoulder, understanding your point but not wanting to accept it.Even he could see his methods weren't the best for this kind of 'mission', but it still wasn't any fun being told no.

"What else can we do though? I really want to see this movie, it's the first showing of Jupiter Jim Defends the Moon since it was first released. I want to see it on the big screen." You sigh, understanding his frustration. It sucked not being able to go out and do things normally, and you really did feel bad for shutting down his idea—even if it *was* dangerous. Mikey leans further onto you, causing your knees to buckle under the sudden weight. "It's not like we can hide in the rafters for it either like we do for wrestling or basketball."

Mikey's grumbled words give you pause, an idea slowly coming to fruition in your mind.

"Hey Mikey?" You ask, shifting his weight slightly so you could stand better. "What's JJ defending the moon from?"

"Martians." He responds glumly, mourning the fact he won't get to see it.

You smile at his response, moving him off your shoulder so you could look him in the eyes. "And what do you guys always claim to be when caught?"

Mikey's eyes widened with hope, a delighted squeal sounding from his chest. "Ohmigosh, you're a genius! If I hide my shell, I'll look just like the Martians in the movie!"

You laugh along with Mikey, his feet hitting the floor once more as he starts jumping up and down with you in his arms. "Thank you's" quickly began to spill from his lips like a water spout, his bright smile returning to his face again. Mikey finally drops you after a while, now gently shaking you by your shoulders.

"Can we go now?" He asks, too eager to wait another moment now that you have a more feasible plan of action. You roll your eyes fondly, stepping out of his arms so he couldn't shake you anymore. You take out your phone and start to browse the times and tickets for the movie, Mikey hovering over your shoulder all the while. You find a showing within the next forty-five minutes and book two seats as far back as you can, looking proudly at your terrapin friend.

"Go grab your hoodie, then we can."

Without another word, Mikey scrambles to his drawers and roots around for the orange hoodie, throwing it on before taking you by the wrist and dragging you off. He yells a quick, intelligible goodbye to his brothers, not wanting to waste a moment. It takes you both around thirty minutes to get to the theater and buy the snacks you wanted, eagerly talking about the movie you were just moments from seeing. Mikey gets complimented on his 'costume', other Jupiter Jim fans finding it delightful. He looks so happy as you settle into the theater and find your seats, greatly please with the popcorn shared between you.

"Thank you." He whispers again as the movie starts, his eyes bright and glued to the screen. You merely grin, sinking into your own seat and squeezing his hand in response. For Mikey, you'd rent out the whole theater if you had to.


Words: 888

Posted: 02.12.24

A/N, not important: Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.

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