2012 TMNT and ROTTMNT Raph comforting their S/O

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2012 TMNT Raph:

-It makes him really worried about you when he finds you doing this.

-He understands that you're doing it because you're stressed, or frustrated, or anxious, or maybe even all three. The problem however, lies in his own inability to understand how to help you.

-When Raph gets upset, he lashes out at others. You lash out on yourself, and Raph isn't always sure how to handle it.

-He initially freaks out a bit, and tries to redirect your emotions on something else. He might drag you to the dojo to go train, or hold the dummy steady so you can punch it if you wish.

-If this isn't really your style, he tries to redirect to something else.

-His main concern is to get rid of the negative emotions flowing through you at the moment and have you take them out on something that isn't yourself.

-If he knows prehand you are okay with physical touch/prefer it, Raph will pull you close and softly hum, holding your hands by your side as he tries to calm you down.

-Raph gets everyone to leave you alone as well, shooing his brothers away if you're having a bad time in the living room area.

-Will try his best to bring you to his room, as it's a safer place and he won't face possible humiliation by his brothers later(Not that he minds. He'd face all the teasing in the world if it meant he could help you. He'd just rather not if he could).

-Raph likes to try and hold your hand when you get particularly frustrated or anxious, trying to prevent the behaviors before they start.

-If nothing works and he isn't able to get you to really stop, he'll try and convince you to let him wrap your hands and fingers to dull your nails so you can't do as much damage.

-Isn't the best with words, so most things he does are through actions. He doesn't want to accidentally say something that will make it worse.


-Really worried about you. He's scared you might pierce your skin from the scratching or pull out too much hair.

-Tries to distract you the best he can, putting on movies and holding you tight so it's harder to move.

-He doesn't want to make it worse, but he can't stand seeing you do this to yourself.

-Raph will try and talk it out with you if a distraction isn't working, trying to find the root of what was wrong and making you so upset.

-If it's too much for Raph to handle on his own, he'll go to Mikey for advice once you've calmed down a bit so he can figure out how to help you properly.

-Refuses at first when Mikey offers to have you talk to 'Dr. Feelings', saying he doesn't think it was what you needed. Dr. Feelings and Dr. Delicate touch were too close together in Raph's mind to try and make you talk while you were already so upset.

-If it's an easy fix, he'll help/talk you through it quickly while keeping an eye on you, his protective instincts kicking in and making him not want you to leave his sight lest you start again as soon as his back is turned.

-Tries to provide comfort to the places you're picking/pulling at, like running his fingers through your hair or rubbing your neck and arms to try and make them feel better.

-If you end up breaking the skin, he insists on wrapping the area in bandages immediately, not wanting you to dig any more into the raw flesh.

-If you're unable to talk to him or tell him what's wrong, he'll just whisper silent words of encouragement to you while holding your hands, rubbing your knuckles softly to hopefully keep you from spiraling.

-Is very soft with you while it happens, not wanting to accidentally hurt you or say something that upsets you.

-Will pick you up and bring you somewhere quiet(usually his room) so his brothers don't bother you. Will just sit with you until you're able to calm down and destress a bit.


Words: 700

Posted: 05.16.23

Request: May I please kindly request the reactions of RISE! and 2012 Raphs' reactions to frustrated/anxious ticks (ie. Scratching/picking at neck and pulling hair)? :)

A/N, not important: My requests were closed when I received this(not to try and bash you at all, I genuinely adore you sending in asks. You're a very sweet person, and I'm trying to get your first ask out soon), but I also REALLY needed this. So thank you. I've been not doing well, and this let me take a minute to catch my breath. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.

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