Crybaby(Yandere Rise Leo and Donnie x Reader)

954 11 4

CW: Needles(Donnie), kidnapping, restraints, crying, dark themes, yandere


-He finds your sniffles and tears a bit endearing, and it plays into his hero complex. You're just the cute little human who can't handle the real world. That's why he saved you, whisking you away to the lair to 'keep you safe'.

-Teases you relentlessly for it. He finds it funny, albeit a bit worrying. He knows how easy you cry though, and isn't all that concerned. He's been watching you for years, he's well aware how easily you're set off.

-He knows you're only crying because of him, so he feels safe poking fun at you. It's not like you'd willingly let him help, so he might as well have some fun if you're going to be 'dramatic'.

-He's determined to make you smile one of these days instead of breaking into sobs when he gets too close, but until then, he'll just pretend your tears are from the joy of seeing him.

-While he does find your puffy eyes slightly adorable, your countless tears do slightly annoy him. He doesn't like that you cry at the sight of him, or whimper at his touch. You're supposed to love him. He usually ends up guilt tripping you after a few minutes, trying to make you feel bad for your emotions.

-If he goes too far in his teasing and realizes what he's saying is actually hurting you, he immediately changes gears and starts pampering you instead. He loves you, you're his darling. He was just trying to get back at you for crying whenever he touched you. He didn't mean to actually upset you. He just thought you were a crybaby.

-Instantly pulls you close and starts actually trying to comfort you. He holds you in his arms while whispering apologies, letting himself be more vulnerable with you. You love him after all, you're just confused. If he can't be vulnerable with you, how can he expect you to ever trust him.

-His favorite thing to do is kiss your tears away, trying to comfort you through bouts of affection. He knows you're more sensitive, so once he realizes it's serious, he'll take care of you.

-If you cry for a reason other than being scared of him, he's quick to help you with your problem and comfort you, even if his form of comfort makes you cry more. It's not his fault you hate his amazing hugs. He can't deal with you crying for another reason, it means you got hurt or are thinking of something that's not him. He can't have that.

-If you're crying from a person or because you're hurt(either emotionally or physically), he gets more serious and takes care of you. He'll put on a movie and burrito you in blankets until you can't get out, then snuggle up with you and whisper sweet nothings while you're stuck. He finds it sweet and caring. You find it nerve wracking.

-If a person makes you cry, he'll gladly go remove them so they'll never bother you again. If it was one of his brothers, he'd mess with something they enjoy and be as petty as possible to them for the next few days. He doesn't want you to truly be upset.

I let out a small groan as a buzzing sounds through my head and rattles my skull. I slowly shake off the sleep, trying to ignore how heavy I felt. My skin tingles uncomfortably, as if there were bugs crawling just underneath the skin. I stretch in my bed, confused to feel a plush comforter on top of me. A distant rattling sounds as I move and my wrists are tugged painfully back into place. My eyes flutter open and I look around, panic coursing through me. This wasn't my bed. This wasn't my room.

Where in the world was I?

I feel my throat start to tighten as a heavy weight settles on my chest. This was wrong. I pull uselessly at the restraints connecting my wrists to the pole that stretched from floor to ceiling. No matter how hard I tug, it didn't give. All it did was make the skin on my wrists red and inflamed. They were starting to burn. I look around my prison with misty eyes, trying to figure out my surroundings. It looked as if I was in a refurbished subway car.

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