Yandere Rottmnt w/ Willing Reader

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-When he first starts showing his more obsessive side, he's slow. He doesn't want to scare you off. But the moment he realizes you're completely into it? He loses all self control and goes straight for it.

-Is constantly near you, doing things for you, and trying to be as sweet as possible. He isn't as worried about trying to hide his obsessive tendencies. He wants you to be showered in all the love he can give.

-Is more lenient. Instead of being locked in his room, you have full reign of the lair. Instead of being chained to him at night, he just throws an arm over your waist and holds you tight and calls it good. He trusts you. He loves you more than anything.

-He's constantly painting you, cooking for you, and complimenting you. You're his world, and once he realizes how unbothered you are, he starts getting much worse. He'd keep you close and make sure you knew how much he loves you, and drills it into you how you can never leave him. You were both meant to be.

-As the days go by, he starts to fall further and further into his delusion. He gets more clingy and obsessed as the days go on, and you completely feed into his insanity.

-He'll keep you close, never wanting to leave your side. After all, you love him just as much as he loves you. Right?


-He's skeptical at first. He's very aware his possessiveness and controlling nature is not only off-putting, but down right scary. He thinks you're trying to play him the fool and trick him into letting you escape. And he swears he won't fall for it.

-That's not to say he doesn't take full advantage of your willingness. Whether it's by giving you multiple trackers, or by completely reprogramming your phone to let him do what he wants, he'll do it.

-He keeps you even closer than he does normally, his overthinking making him convinced this is all an act. It takes a long time for him to finally warm up to the idea of you being genuine. Once he does though? He's over the moon.

-He subconsciously pushes your boundaries, toeing the line of how much you'll allow, and seeing how badly you'd react if he does cross it. It's less out of malice and more of him trying to get a gauge on how far he can go.

-Is very pleased with the circumstances. He barely has to do any explaining before you're already on board with whatever he wants. It makes him feel good, knowing how much you love him. He'd do everything for you.

-But if it ever does end up being a trick? You're never seeing the light of day again.


-He's overwhelmed with joy once he realizes how easy you're being. There's no fighting, no yelling, no anything. Just complete willingness to be with him. And he didn't even have to break you! How lucky is he!

-Clings onto you. You're constantly in his arms. He'll carry you around the lair, not wanting to put you down. You love him, you deserve to be carried and have everything done for you.

-Still majorly babies you. He's paranoid you'll hurt yourself. You trusted him so easily, and while obviously you would he's not doing anything wrong, he's still nervous you'd do the same with someone else.

-Doesn't let anyone near you due to this. He'll intimidate and fight anyone who tries. You're his, and he's never letting you go.

-He likes that he didn't have to work at making you trust him. You'll do anything he asks, and he adores it. He doesn't have to do anything and you're already completely on board.

-It usually ends up with him completely coddling you, not letting you have a say in much. He knows what's best for you after all, just trust him.


-Is elated once he realizes. He's smug, pulling you close and bragging to everyone that even you know he's in the right. A small part of his mind knows you might be lying, but he's confident he can change your mind before you try anything.

-The moment he figured out you weren't fighting him, he kidnaps you. You're obviously just as in love with him as he is with you, so why wait? He'll just whisk you away now and keep you safe, loving you all the more.

-He's always by your side, pouting every time you look away. You agreed to be his, so act like it. He doesn't like it when you don't give him attention.

-He shows off a lot to you, trying to prove his love and keep you close. He's a bit paranoid you might change your mind and start resisting his love.

-Is even more hesitant to hurt you if you mess up. He knows you're not trying to escape or anything, and he doesn't want to scare you off. His punishments will be much leaner, not wanting to make you upset. He apologizes and loves on you for hours after, trying to convince you to still love him. He never wants you to leave him, and he'd do anything to keep you.


Words: 876

Posted: 09.22.23

Request: could you do a willing reader x Yan Rottmnt and can it be in a head canon

A/N, not important: Sorry it's so short, these are a bit harder to do. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.

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