Luck Only Runs So Far(Yandere 2012 Raph x Reader)

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He was gone. He actually left. I couldn't believe it. I look at the door, my knees still pulled to my chest from how he left me hours ago, having drugged me once more to make sure I slept through his absence. I press my mouth to the back of my knees, laughing to myself. I couldn't believe he was gone. I struggle against the chains, trying to get out. I needed to get out. He was gone, this was the only chance I had since he took me, possibly the only chance I'll ever get. I just needed to break free. I just needed to run.

The chains held tight as I struggled, grumbling under my breath as I continued to try and break free. I pulled against them, hoping the might loosen, or maybe give way from the wall if I was lucky. The chains were wrapped around my arms like one would do with a rope, I couldn't feel a lock holding them. Did he really just tie them? Was he stupid enough? Was I lucky enough?

I find the end of the chain, grinning as I work it out of the tangled mess of chains. Working with my hands behind my back and arms locked together was rough, but manageable. The cramps from bending my arms in such ways would be worth it once I freed myself. Hopefully before he returned. The chain slowly unraveled as I worked at it, my hands and arms being scratched by the rusty metal.

Eventually, I loosen the chains enough to slip my arms out, grinning victoriously. I slide off the bed, pressing my ear against the door before I open it. Hearing nothing on the other side, I push the flimsy door open, glancing around. I quickly bolt through the lair, heading into the tunnels of the sewers and keeping to the wall as I try not to slip on the slick surface. I really hoped I didn't have any open cuts on my feet, I did not want an infection. He took away my shoes when he first took me, and while walking barefoot in the disgusting sewers was not on my todo list, it was my only option. I gag, the smell being much more potent in the tunnels than in the lair. I move my shirt over my nose as I walk, trying to filter the nasty air as best I can. It didn't help, but it made me feel better. My hand stays on the damp walls as I walk, the sewers too dark to see much in front of me. The last thing I wanted was to fall down a tunnel to my death.

I push forward, keeping straight as much I could, hoping it would lead to an exit. Or to a sewer worker in the least. Hearing muffled voices in the distance, my hope grows. Was it a crew of maintenance workers? I take a step towards the sound before logic rushes me. No, no it wouldn't be. There were too many voice, too loud, to excited to be grown men working in the tunnels. They were back, which means he was back, and they were heading right towards me.

I walk forwards until I hit a small break in the wall, muttering encouragements and pleas to myself the entire time. I pull myself into the smaller tunnel breakoff, gagging as my bare feet squished in the mucky water. I move farther down, pressing my back against the wall as I pretend I'm invisible. If I'm lucky, they won't glance my way. If I'm lucky, they'll pass right by me. If I'm lucky, I'll have enough of a head start to get out before he finds me gone.

I cover my mouth with my hands as my back sticks to the wall, my shirt dampening from the wet of the bricks. I close my eyes for a moment, trying to control my breathing without making noise. In through the mouth, out through the nose. I watch the opening of the tunnel intently, my eyes somewhat adjusted to the dark. My heartbeat quickens, the voices drawing nearer. It was definitely them, the voices to distinct, to ingrained in my brain to ever forget.

They pass by. My eyes meet bright blue, and I curse. If it was Leo he'd let me go. His heroic ego was strong enough to fight for me when Raph was being to stern, but never enough to free me. If it was Donnie, he'd let me go. He never cared enough about Raph's obsession to help him out if not directly asked. But no, Mikey was the one who saw me, the one who met my eyes. He was too much of an instigator, too loyal to his brother to care about my safety. I watch the grin grow on his face, his eyes sparking with the mischief they held. I almost cry when he grabs his older brother by the shoulder, bright green eyes locking on my own.

A second passes, then two. His face morphs from disbelief to anger, furious shouts leaving his mouth as he lunges towards me, the other brothers watching in shock. I scream and bolt, dashing through the tunnels as I forgo safety, only caring about getting away.

"You said those pills would keep them asleep, Donnie!" I hear his angry shout, footsteps hot on my tail. I run through different tunnels, turning at random intervals. I just needed to get away, needed to run. I wanted to go home.

I doge his hands with a yelp, ducking when he tried to grab me. I hear him growl at my avoidance, him still hot on my tail. I duck under his arms and bolt down another tunnel, catching him by surprise. He falters slightly before regaining the chase, yelling words I couldn't hear from the blood rushing past my ears. I keep running, ignoring the pain in my side and the cramps in my legs. My eyes go blurry with tears, panic overtaking me. I wanted to cry, to scream, but I couldn't waste my breath. The moment I was caught was the moment I would die. I had no doubt in my mind Raph would uphold every threat he ever made. My legs would be broken, I would be tied up for the rest of my life. He wouldn't be able to isolate me, his own needs to have me by his side wouldn't allow him, but I knew he wouldn't feed me for days.

I turn down another tunnel, my eyes scanning the walls for any breaks, for any smaller sections to run into. I almost cry in relief when I see a ladder ahead of me. Using my momentum, I grab and rung and fling myself up, climbing like there was no tomorrow. For me, there really wasn't. I don't look down, expecting Raph to grab my ankles and yank me down, but he doesn't. I glance down, his eyes glaring up at me, but he doesn't move to climb after me. He just stands at the base of the ladder. I think nothing of it, reaching the cover and push. And push. And push. It doesn't budge, doesn't even wiggle. I throw my shoulder into it, nearly sobbing as I realize I couldn't move it. Raph finally starts to climb the ladder.

I kick my foot down at him, trying to keep him back. He grabs my ankle, yanking it harshly and almost making me lose my grip. I wrap my arm around the rungs of the ladder, trying not to slip as he wraps an arm around my waist at the same time and tries to yank me off. His head rests on my shoulder, grinning evilly at me.

"I was wondering if you would try that. You know those things weigh upwards of three hundred pounds, right?" He says, a mad bite in his tone. He yanks me back by my waist, my hands slipping. I try to grab back onto the rungs, but he slams my head against them when I do. I yelp in pain, his face set in cold anger as blood trickles down my face. He drags me back down the ladder, ignoring my punches and kicks to his person. He growls at me, throwing me over his shoulder as he starts to storm back to the lair, muttering threats and curses the whole way.

"Do you know how stupid you are?! How good you have it?! I take care of you! I keep you safe! And you just spit on everything I've ever done for you!" He says, his fist slamming into one of the sewers walls. I shrink back, my eyes wide from where he hit. He was fighting with himself, trying to get back to the room before he broke every bone in my body. "I love you, I take care of you, and you act like some spoiled brat! You're just so- so- so stupid!"

He continues to stomp back to the lair, yelling at me the entire time, his grip on my body tightening to a painful degree every time I struggle or move. His face was set in a deep scowl, his fingers digging into my side. "You're never leaving the lair again. I'll make sure of it."

I hang my head down, my forehead hitting the back of his shell. I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to not cry. I never should've left. He would always chase me down. Every single time.


Words: 1597

Posted: 06.11.23

Prompt(s) requested: 21(Chase)- Heyo! May we please get action 21 chase with yandere 2012 Raph? Basically the reader running from him or at least trying to...

A/N, not important: Ahaha, for being my favorite of the 2012, I sure suck at writing him. I suck at action scenes, so this entire thing is bad. I tried. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.

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